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I truly had no idea what I was in for. WOW.


The Kulture Study: NMIXX 'Sonar + DASH' MV REACTION & REVIEW

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will you be checking out p1harmonys comeback?

Casey Winham

Can't wait for you to hear the rest of the album! The vocals in run for roses go crazy! Would suggest eat hing the performance with young k too!

Faith Thomas

This comeback has been the greatest gift to me. The pre releases and title track are absolutely top tier songs for me. The rest of the album is no skip for me, the amount of performances we got this era is insane. They really stepped up after the hype of LMLT. I can't wait for what's next for them.

archie :D

in your second watch through of dash i think the sound cuts out ? but great reaction nonetheless!


you must listen to this album!! so far the best release of the year


FINALLY! I have been waiting for this for so long. I am so happy that it's finally here. PD, I'd love for you to listen to the rest of the album. It is by far one of the best albums released in a hot minute. Every song is a 10/10. It was NMIXX's most well-received comeback by a long slide. I really hope in the future we get more reactions to their stage practices and other vocal performances because these girls are powerhouses. BTW they received 4 wins Dash! 3:21 It is indeed Bae.


Bae was on Lee Mujin Service if ur interested 🥰 Edit: Just watched till the end! So excited to hear you will react to it :)


This is their BEST album! Idk if it’s in your plans to check it out but highly recommend it!


i loved dash so much!! bae has totally wrecked me her voice is so jazzy


I hope you can react to their Run For Roses performance video too!


nmixx are still SO underrated. they’ve been dropping banger after banger.

Gabi 高书逸

They got a new fan on this comeback 🩶

aicrylic (aimee)

i wasn't even mad at it bc i've heard the song a million times so i was finishing it in my head lol


PLEASE react to Run for Roses. You will love it!


Yes on the comments, please check out run for roses and the choreo/performance for it too! Amazing song vocally, sonically, and performance wise. And dash is my favorite song of theirs vocally so far. They really showed off their abilities. Now nmixx along with aespa and wjsn definitely have some of favorite vocalists in kpop groups. With multiple members in all the groups.


You haaaave to check out the performance MV for run for roses aswell PD

ria bubbles

Please react to Ten Night Walker: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ri6FaIavnWA&pp=ygUPdGVuIG5pZ2h0d2Fsa2Vy it’s so good


Yeah! Now go check out the album, cuz these were just the icing on the cake.... And the cake is GOOOOD!!!

Linda Pérez

Pleaseeeee you have to ract to Run for Roses as well


i need to know your thoughts on the album!! this comeback lowkey brought me back to kpop lol, i loved everything about it, from start to finish, i sometimes feel like the girls are SO perfect that the only thing they need to improve next time is the quality of the music and their creative process with concepts, they're all aces, it's been a while since i felt like this for a group haha


I CAN NOT wait for the album reaction. Expergo was great but Fe3O4 Break blew it comepletly out of the park. I fear there is no way they can ever trump that again thats how good it is.


while i don't know the references I think the flashes of imagery and then the shaky/jump-cutty/fuzzy camera work especially in the first chorus is to reference the title "soñar" aka "to dream" and the dreamlike sequences

gil nat

please react to the album too pd, u won't regret it. it's their best work so far!


I wouldn't say this brought me back into Kpop (because I am not going through any bigger break as I used to), but I have to admit this comeback made me like them more less the same as I did back then when they debuted, when I was really hyped up. Also I am saying this since their early days, when they said they learnt Spanish... I do hope they could release an original Spanish song! As Twice did The Feels, but in their case not an original English song, but Spanish one!
