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Personality is the key word I would use for Bae. She is so overflowing with it that it shows in every facet of her being. It bleeds into her voice, her body language, her stare. She has so much personality it's actually amazing to see.

Chris S

JY Park has said before that they don't scout for the best singers, the best dancers, or the best rappers. They scout for the best people. I think Bae is a perfect example of that, and why the staff would have scouted her just from seeing her personality while walking down the street. And it makes sense; you can train someone to sing, dance, or rap. You can't train someone to be a good person.

gil nat

thanks for the reaction pd. please consider reacting to nmixx's latest album too. still one of the best releases this year so far!


I love bae


The member you missed who was also on the show before is Lily :)