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Currently Scheduling March

 Now adding permanent waist-up options.


Patron exclusive, prices are Canadian.

Soft shaded $100 pin-up $85 waist up per character, cell shaded $85 pin-up $70 waist-up per character.


Single character only.

No characters under 18, no aging up underage characters, and no likenesses of real people (including actors playing characters).

No sex. No fluids. No masturbation. No noncon. These are nudes only.

Additional outfits could cost extra based on complexity and quantity, though a simple outfit (sports bras, tights, swimsuits) are fine. 

Otherwise the usual rules apply. https://cadhla182.tumblr.com/Commissions

Contact me via Patreon messenger so I can confirm you are a member.



Jack Newbill

Arg, maybe someday...


ngl, I first read that as "$100 for a Canadian character," and I was wondering if you were running some kind of hometown deal lol


“Canadian naked” is just a sweater and snow pants over long-johns :p

Franz Schneider

Tempted to go in for a cell-shaded, but I am more cash-strapped than usual.

Lars Leemans

Purely hypotethical question, i'm not actually planning on commissioning it but would a post final chapter/timeskip mha class 1-a character count as 'over 18' or because they were 16-ish for most of the series, do they fall under off-limited?

Dylan Macri

Because they were 16 for most of the series I wouldn't draw them myself but for a commission I would be willing to do the time skip designs specifically with the knowledge that I'm drawing them as adults with adult bodies.

Dylan Macri

Apologies if that spammed the update notification. It kept telling me it didn't go through so I kept clicking and didn't notice it was up until I backed out.




Question: What if it's an idea that involves battle damage? Nothing gory, but your typical battle scratches and maybe a nosebleed? Would that still fall in the no-go category?