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Author's note: I hope I don't disappoint anybody too hard with this but I'm going to limit myself to just one more chapter of smut then wrap this story up. Hopefully at or before chapter 150. I'd love to do more with this gang but I just gotta get this wrapped up soon so I can put it to bed and use that focus elsewhere. On the bright side, whatever doesn't get done in this part can be saved for Part 3 (if it gets written). I just wanted to give you all a heads up.


With Cassie’s smoldering eyes watching me from within her Lady’s embrace I obey my order. Right where Cassie had been just moments earlier I take up a hands and knees position in the center of our bed. Always wanting to show up Cassie with my ‘goodness’ I lock into a pose worthy of statuary. Head high, shoulders up, chest out, arms flexed, back arched, and my hips and legs bent at perfect square angles with toes pointed I one-upped Cassie in every way I could. A sudden pinch to my bum tells me that Cassie had noted my competitive submission. I grin but hold back a laugh.

“Fetch my oil.” Rosa whispers.

“Yes, my Lady.” Cassie slips from the bed, her bare feet padding across the floor as she finds our lubricant.

The gentle cool of my Lady’s vision finds my bottom first before slowly spreading out across my naked flesh. I hold my pose with pride, knowing without being told how much she would enjoy it. While she didn’t need to tell me I still enjoyed her little “mmm” of approval along with a soft rub of my bum. “Sooo beautiful.” Somehow my shoulders lift an inch higher.

Cassie is quickly back to the bed to give the Mistress our special ‘naughty time’ oil. “Thank you my dear.”

“May I…get them now?”

Rosa chuckles softly as her tender hand continues to caress from one of my ass cheeks to the other. “Yes, my love. You may get them now.”

“Oh thank you, Mistress!” Cassie says with an enthusiasm that concerned me. What were these two up to now? With my Lady’s eyes upon me I wasn’t about to turn my head and find out. Holding firm I content myself with basking under my Lady’s love.

As Cassie launches herself off the bed again Rosa gentle fingers focus in on rubbing up and down my crack. “Ohhhhh.” I sigh as those delicate fingers find my eager hole.

“Mmmm.” Her middle digit prods at my wet anus before slipping inside. After Cassie’s rough two fingered action Rosa’s slender finger enters easily. “You warmed him for me so nicely, my pet.”

“Happy to be of service.” Cassie was already back at her Lady’s side to receive a kiss. “May I?”

“Go on then. He’s yours from the waist up.” Rosa kisses her again. “Have fun and…don’t hurt him.”

“Thank you, my Lady.”

I couldn’t look back and I couldn’t ask questions though my curiosity was piqued. However, my thoughts are quickly brought back to the moment as I feel the now familiar sensation of warm oil trickling down my ass crack. It oozes down, over my hole and around Rosa’s finger as it slowly starts gliding in and out. “Mmmmmm.”

“Ohhh, my love.” Rosa croons, her finger working the slick oil into my entrance. “How I’ve dreamed of taking your ass again.”


“How I’ve dreamed of seeing it.” Cassie adds as she sidles up next to me and wraps her arms our my waist. Her breasts feel fantastic pressed against the small of my back. It only lasts a moment though as she straightens up and begins to tie something off. By the feel of it she’d wrapped some sort of leather twine around my waist.

“Nnngh.” I groan as Rosa adds two more fingers to my ass, three of them now probing in and out of my slippery anus.

“Good boyyyy.” Rosa kisses and nips at my bum. “Good boy.”

“Ohhhh.” Distracted by my Lady’s affections I barely feel as something is slipped around my hard cock and balls. Some sort of ring by the feel of it. With my Lady still fingering me Cassie hurries to tie two more twines, one around each thigh. Whatever she’s put on me wasn’t my cage but the design was similar. The three twines held the ring snug around my package. “Mmmmm.” I moan as Cassie takes a moment to give my dick a couple of strokes. My arousal becomes confused as the strokes continue…even as Cassie moves away. What? I knew well where my Lady’s hand’s were. How as Cassie…?

Just then she comes knee walking up along side of me then in one great FLUMP flops down on the pillows in front of me. With a huge, cocky grin on her face as she eats up my stunned expression Cassie spreads her legs wide…and strokes her rock hard penis!? She was Amazon!?

“Hnnngh!” I groan as she tightens her grip and strokes her dick again but with ME feeling the effects.

That wasn’t her cock and balls, it was mine! It was still wet with her own spit. She’d borrowed my junk! Just then I notice that she too is wearing a sort of harness around her waist and legs that held half of Rosa’s portal bracelet firmly in place just above her clit. Now I knew what she’d slipped around my package.

She laughs, enjoying the shocked look on my face. “Like my cock? Mmm?” Grabbing my hair she pulls me down and starts to slap my lips with her…my…our cock all while staring hard into my eyes. Her gaze was different than Rosa’s. Rosa’s gaze, back when she was capable of it, enveloped me in a cocoon of control and safety even as it filled my soul with her presence. Cassie’s glimmering blue eyes however pierced mine with a burning lust and a will for control. The two faces of dominance was all right there in their eyes. My Lady was a gentle goddess whereas my Miss was a domineering gorgon. What a lucky boy I was! “You like it, boy? You like my hard dick?”

Like it? I LOVED IT!? I adored every inch of Cassie’s fine body but seeing now in Amazon form took my lust to a new level. “I love it!” I gasp. “I love it, Miss Cassie!”

“Told you he would.” Chuckles Rosa from behind as her fingers pull out of my butt only to be replace by the tip of her huge cock pressing snug against my entrance. Gods! She wasn’t even in yet and already I could tell she’d grown. “My guy has developed quite a taste for girl dick, haven’t you baby?”


“Tell Cassie how beautiful she is.”

“You are so beautiful!”

“Tell her how pretty her penis is.”

The instant my Lady called it ‘her’ penis it became Cassie’s and Cassie’s alone. My own claim on it was given up for the time being. It allowed me to see it again as if for the first time. Far slimmer and far shorter than Rosa’s beautiful schlong Cassie’s stiff cock was still hard and proud and magnificent, a throbbing symbol of her feminine power. It matched so well with her big tits and soft flesh and wet, pink pussy. I let out a hard breath as before my eyes her cock strains with power from my wild arousal. “Your penis is…so pretty, Miss Cassie. I love it!”

“Oh yeah?” She cocks an evil brow. “Then why don’t ya show me, BOY!”

With that she yanks my head down and feeds her cock through my lips, not stopping until it was ramming down my throat! “MMMFFF!” The sensation of simultaneously taking and giving head was surreal! I’d done this self suck trick through the portal before but never with a strong woman like Cassie on the other end of it. And that made a huge difference. “HRRRMMM!!!” With a feral grown I start giving my Miss head. No, that wasn’t right. I wasn’t giving it, she was taking it! With both hands gripping my hair she takes control of my head to mouth fuck me hard and deep. All I can do is suck the best I could. “Hmmm!” Needless to say I was a very happy man. “Schlrmmm!”

Her gaze still drilling into mine her smile grows. “Yeah! That’s it, boy! Suck that fuckin cock!”

“You heard her, my boy. We’ve seen Cassie do it, now let’s see how you can give pleasure while receiving it.” Rosa giggles as she swats my bum and readies herself for penetration. “We’ve established that turnabout is fair play after all. He he he!”

Chapter 146



Hot and fun! Sorry you're feeling burned out though.


I'm definitely not feeling burned out it's just that SG2 has run its course. Time to wrap it up.