Slave Girl 2: Chapter 151 (End) (Patreon)
Less than a week later the whole group of us stand near the road at the corner of my forested plot, mine at least until morning when the land office in town opens and the messenger I hired delivers the document that would officially abandon this property. In the dimming light of evening we peer down down over the freshly harvested stubbly fields to the villa of Horatius. The house, yard, out buildings, and even the slave quarters shine bright against the dimming cropland around it with fires, lanterns and torches. Between the buildings hung streamers and decorations. A mass of merry people danced and sang along with the festive music that even drifted up as far as here. It was the harvest feast and the big ball all rolled into one.
“You should have been there.” Cassie says softly, her arm around Rosa on the opposite side from me. “You deserved to be there, Rosa. You should have been the queen of that ball.”
“It’s okay, Cassie.” Rosa says. “I am just happy to see it bring so much joy.”
“It brings me joy knowing that Quique and Oeneus can enjoy this on their first night as free men.”
Rosa giggles. “I can picture them down there now, hitting on anything in a dress.”
I look across to Cassie, my smile fading. “You could still go. To say goodbye to your brothers, your mom and dad.”
Cassie sighs, her eyes distant. “My goodbyes have been said. Besides, me showing up now would only spoil a good party. Let them sing. Let them dance. Let them revel.” She looks to me then to Collywaddle who stood close at my side, she had become like my shadow since we brought her back with us, then to Danae who sat at Rosa’s feet and then to Rosa herself. “My place is here now. This is my family.”
We all huddle closer against the encroaching Autumn cool.
The next morning our steed is loaded with all of the goods and gear that we could fit onto the platform and into the bags of the pack saddle. He looked none to pleased about it either. It was as if, as a noble stallion of military breeding, it somehow hurt his pride to be relegated to a mere pack animal, though the more likely explanation was that he was a willful bastard and simply wasn’t thrilled about having to earn his keep. I pat his muscular, shiny black neck. “Easy there, fella.” ‘Fella’ had become his placeholder title as what we were actually going to name had become a topic of some debate among the household.
“Mathter Quin!” Colly comes trundling out, her big boobs bouncing and her overstuffed backpack jingling and jangling with pots and knives as she went. “Rotha thaid I can’t bring the round table from the triclinium!” No matter how many times we told Colly that Rosa was the Lady here she stubbornly refused to accept anyone’s authority but mine.
“The table?”
“I can carry it.” She insists. “I got two free handth here not doin nothin.”
I chuckle and pat her head. “What would we do with a table on the road?”
“Eat on it. Thit on it.” She says. “You and Mith Cathie can fuck on it…under it…around it.” It had become a running joke for Colly and Rosa just how horny Cassie and I were. Despite having been with me in the past Collywaddle had shown no interest in any physical intimacy as her wounds were still healing from her former lovers. “It’th no trouble.”
“Best to listen to the Lady.” I say. “We don’t want to wear you out after all.”
“Pah! I’m thtrong.”
“But you’ve not traveled like we have.” I say. “The miles have a way of wearing you down. We’ve got plenty already, Colly.”
“Alright.” She sulks. “If you thay tho, Mathter.”
“Are they almost ready to go?”
“Almotht.” She spins and trots back inside. “Lemme go thee.”
As I wait for my family under a perfect azure sky I look up the towering figure of Mercury. His stony smirk didn’t seem quite so smug this day.
“The land office will be open by now.” I say to him, feeling as free as a ship who had cut anchor. “You’ll have to take this curse of yours up with Silvanus.” Looking around at the rich, verdant forest that dominated this land and loomed all around us I quip. “And good luck with that, trickster.”
For the fifth time I check on every strap, knot and buckle on the saddle. Though I would miss this place I was anxious to get on the road again. I laugh at myself as I think back to how happy Rosa and I had been in those first hours upon arrival after our long hike from Rome. Before the blindness, before the curse, before all the wonderful and terrible things that had happened to us since. We thought we had found our slice of paradise. But in the end this incredible place had turned out to be just a rest stop in a much greater journey.
I remember that first morning as I began to tidy the mess left to me by my ne’er-do-well uncle. My thoughts had lingered on a single word. Home. I had many questions and many theories. But what had I learned in these months since I arrived?
I learned that to an honorable norseman home was only a memory. To a proud farm father it was the land of his lineage and the security of tradition. To an odd philosophical craftsman and merchant it was the comforts and pleasures found in this mortal realm. To that ne’er-do-well gambler it was dice and women and wine. And to a group of strangers made brothers by sweat and blood it was the camaraderie of friendship.
Home was many things to many people. And now, on the cusp of starting on our first steps that would see us pass through my childhood home, I had come to realize what it meant to me. For me home isn’t a place. It is people. It is Rosa. It is Cassie. It is even Collywaddle. And it is certainly my child that had yet to be born. For me my home was in the people that I loved. Where ever our travels would take us I would be exactly where I belonged as long as we were together.
We still did not know precisely where that place would be. North, South, East, West, the world beyond the Empire was vast. Where ever we put down roots it would be in a place where my beloved and our daughter could live free. As the gods as my witness, the cold chains of slavery would not sully my child.
When I hear the jangle of Colly’s pack and the voices of my women approaching I hoist my pack onto my back then reposition it so that the wood and leather scabbard I had made for my sword sat against my back more comfortably. The weapon was too large to hide so I figured I’d wear it in the open to give any highwaymen something to consider before bothering our little band of travelers.
The ladies walk out the door in spirits as high as my own. A great sense of excitement had gripped us all.
Cassie goes to lock the door, then shrugs and hurls the key out into the wild green forest. “It’s all yours, Silvie.”
“Whatever.” Cassie scoops up her quiver and bow and slings them across her back.
At the front of the stallion we gather. Colly at my side, where I had no doubt she would remain as we walked.
Turning her horned head to face the nearest clump of bushes Rosa calls. “It’s time to go, little sister.” No sooner had the words left her mouth than the wily red fox bounds through the foliage to take her place at her Lady’s side.
“Are we ready?” I ask, looking around at each of them.
“More than ready!” Cassie smiles. “There’s a whole world to see out there! Let’s not keep it waiting.” Taking the stallion’s lead she starts off without us!
“Someone’s certainly excited.” Rosa titters.
“Can’t blame her.”
“No. I suppose not.” Rosa takes my arm. “It’s back on the road for us, Master.”
“A bit more prepared than the first time.”
“Yes.” She laughs.
Turning as one we face back toward the old pleasure palace. Despite all the work we’d done it never looked as abandoned and dead as it did now. I think back to all the things that had happened here. I remember the laughter and the tears…and the sex. Oh yes, I remember that too. So much had happened leaving us both transformed. Literally transformed in the case of Rosa. It had only been one harvest season yet we left here as different people as the pair that arrived. Different, yet still bound by that same enduring love.
“You lot comin or what?” Cassie calls from half way up the path.
I smile and put my arm around Rosa’s slender shoulders. “You ready for another adventure, my Lady?”
“Everyday is an adventure with you, my boy.” She pats my chest. “Let us go find our destiny.”
The End