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Hello my patron pals,

The time has come.  As I have been warning about for the past two months the July chaos is now almost upon me.  My next few weeks will involve a family visit, plumbers, wrapping up some work stuff, moving, cleaning, travel, being without internet for a time, followed up by my yearly "get as far away from civilization as humanly possible" trip.  I always come back from my nature trips recharged and bursting at the seams to get writing again.  😄

I'll be around this week and hopefully I can get some writing done but as of Friday or Saturday this place will probably go dark until close to the end of the month.  I am hoping that I can get at least one chapter out for each current story (Jo White, Date Night with a Femboy, and SfH: Thunderbird) this week but we will see how it goes.

I will miss you and miss writing for you.  Take care of yourselves out there.  I hope you all have an awesome July.  ❤



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