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Once my load was well and truly blown my Lady sinks her cock as deep as she could go to hold there.  Through deep, gulping breaths she says.  “Was it a good one baby?”

“Ohhhh yessss.”  I sigh in post bliss rapture.  “Whoooo.”

“Gooood.”  She very gently strokes my balls with her fingertips.  “Savor it.  After tonight I’m not going to let you cum like this until your combat training is done.”


Her fingers tenderly massage my testes.  “You are going to channel all of that energy into defeating your opponent.”


“Are you questioning me?”

“No my Lady.”

“Good boy.”  She pats my nuts.  “You will service your Lady of course, as needed and as you are able, but your penis will be denied until I say.”

Six or more weeks without cumming!?  Six weeks or more of denial while living with and sharing the bed of the sexiest woman in the Empire?  And I thought defeating Toke was going to be my greatest challenge!  But the higher the bar the more satisfying and meaningful my obedience.  “Yes my Lady.”

“Alright my boy.”  She grips my pouch and gives it a little shake.  “You know what you have to do.”

“Yes…my Lady.  Whooooo.”

Running my fingers through my mess I collect as much of my warm seed as I can until it coats my fingers like a thick layer of paint.  Without hesitation I bring it to my mouth and begin to lick and suck the salty semen from my hand.  I would have much preferred it to be hers I was eating but there was something about consuming my own that felt so much more submissive which helped to sweeten the gooey treat.  And as I feel the cool settle around my face, a literal sensual awareness of where my Lady’s eyes could see, I make a show of my meal.  Slurping, licking, and eventually sucking each finger individually I eat as she watches and recuperates her energy.

“That’s it.  Eat your cummie all up Quin.”  She giggles and coos in praise of my greedy swallowing of jizz.  “Hungry boy!  Ohhh, you make your Lady so proud when you listen this good.”


“Thank your Lady for such a fine treat.”

“Thank you my Lady!  Ohhh thank you!”

“Mmm, how I spoil you.”  She laughs a merry laugh.  “But how can I resist?”


Rosa treats me to few wonderfully slow, long and ass filling thrusts before patting my hip.  “Flip over lover.”  She takes my left leg and lifts it high to help me turn over, her cock twisting inside of me as I move without her leaving me.  I am laid face down, my legs spread wide.  Leaning her weight into her palms she rubs her hands up the thick meat of my back as at the same time a very subtle cool washes across it.  “Your back is as beautiful as your front.”  She whispers as her soft hands explore the muscular contours of my back and butt.  Eventually her hands find their way along my arms where she takes them and pulls them across my back.  Crossing my wrists at the base of my spine she leans her weight forward and pins them there with one hand.  I could easily escape of course but it was just enough to let me feel like she had me at her mercy.  With her free hand she gives a my cheek a squeeze then asks.  “Ready for more?”

I close my eyes and smile.  “Oh yes my Lady.”  She rises up, her weight pressing down on my wrists as her long, thick dick glides back through my stretched anus, and pauses…before DRIVING back down into me with every ounce of power that her petite frame could muster!  “GNNNGH!”  With the pull of gravity providing even more power my Mistress lets out a most wicked snarl as the clap, clap, clap of her flesh pounding down into mine fills the room once more.  “OHHHH!”

What follows is a night for the myth tellers.  My Lady fucks my ass without restraint and without mercy.  It was as if she were unleashing the next six weeks of fiery passion into this single blazing night.  It is my slave girl unchained and it is GLORIOUS!  After she dumps a load of hot cum inside of me…she keeps on going!  Different positions, different angles, different rhythms and styles, only pausing to add more lubricant, my Lady takes my ass in every way it could be taken.  I had begged her in the past to use me for her pleasure and tonight she grants her slutty boy that wish.  Grabbing me, gripping me, clawing at me, nipping at me, spanking me and pounding me I am ravished like never before.  With inhuman stamina and demonic fervor she just straight fucks two more loads from my flagging manhood with barely a touch to it, and the gods only knew how many other kinds orgasms wracked my body in that time.  I am lost in lust!

Both of us dripping in sweat and other bodily secretions she has me on my hands and knees in the center of the bed, her kneeling behind me with her hands gripping hips as she pounds my bottom, when I feel the telltale signals of her second orgasm approaching.

“Hrf!  Hrf!  Hrf!”  I grunt on each deep butt clapping thrust.  “Ohhhhh my Ladyyyy.”

“Yeah.”  She huffs.  “That’s it baby.  Oh gods.  Your gonna make your Lady cum so good.”

“Hmmmm!”  I grip the blankets and thrust back into her, giving as good as I got to make her final flourish as satisfying as possible.

“Ohhh…ohhhhh…ohhhhhhh!”  Her notes as pure as a Siren’s rise as the Mistress begins to lose control.  There is a sudden shudder before she drives her long Amazon cock balls deep one last time.  “HMMMMMM!”

“OHHHHH!”  I howl as her throbbing girth sends me into a final anal orgasm of my own.

Slumping down over me she hugs me tight, her normally warm body feeling downright feverish by non-demon standards, as she holds deep to fill my tunnel with her hot seed.  Like a proud warhorse I pose and bear her weight as she writhes to an ecstatic conclusion.

With her passion spent her arms loosen but still hold to me in that gentle way she had normally.  With a soft kiss to my back and an even soft pat to my bum she whispers.  “That’ll have to do.”

“Ohhh Rosa.”  I sigh.  “That…was…incredible.”  With that I collapse to the bed with her on top of me.

She pulls herself from my still throbbing hole to crawl up beside me.  “Mmm.”  She hums as she softly strokes my sweaty temple.  “Didn’t I say there was a monster who lurked here?”

“Monster indeed.”  I whimper, my mind still swimming in an endless pleasure.  “Ohhhhh gods.  I am wrecked.  I am ruined.  I am…yoursss.”

“I am so happy you enjoyed that.”  She sidles closer, pressing her body to mine, and kisses me.  “It’s been a long time since I let myself go like that.”


She chuckles and pats my cheek.  “My boy.  All tuckered out?”

“Yes…my Lady.”  I say honestly.  “But if you need…”

“Shhhh.”  She pets me.  “We are done now.”  Pulling my close she cradles my head to her breast.  Her fingers play through my wet hair and dance down my back.  “Remember tonight my pet.  It shall be awhile until I do this again.”  She lays a sweet kiss to my head.  “In the weeks ahead your days shall be hard but your nights shall be soft.”  She whispers.  “Steel may sharpen steel my love but if a blade is to last it also requires pure oil and clean cloth to polish and a safe scabbard to return to.”  Another soft kiss.  “Tell me you love me.”

“I love youuuu.”

“Good boyyy.”

“Mmmm.”  I cuddle closer to her warm, soft flesh, the strong rhythm of her heart beating in my ear.  My every muscle trembled with fatigue.  My cream filled ass was sore and my empty balls ached, both in the best possible way.  And my restless manly lust was well and truly wrung dry and then quenched anew.  Bodily, spiritually, emotionally I was at peace.  At peace and ready to face any challenge that lay before me.

Chapter 80 



Funnily enough, not cumming before an important fight/during training is a tried and true boxing and mma practice. It noticably improves performance for some reason.