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Greetings Grim Gang,

Can you believe it's almost September?  God damn, where did that summer go?  I've had a great one and I hope you all did too.

I'm going to make this update super quick as it's another business as usual update.  The two serials will be carried on through September.  The Reader Plus CYOA will continue.  And, now that we're finally getting to the action, the current short should be wrapping up next month.  Can't wait to start thinking about the next one.

In other news I've got a selection of shorts from here ready to go in ebook form which ought to be up on Amazon as soon as I can muster the cojones to put myself out there on that platform.  I'll let you know when it happens.

A huge shout out to my 'Good One' again this month.  You are AWESOME and you leave me humbled. Thank you.

And an equally hearty thank you for each and every one of you for supporting my work whether it's monetary, likes, comments, tweets, or even just reads.  I appreciate the heck out of y'all.  ❤

Take care out there and when in doubt, be kind.  To yourself as well as others.



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