End of 2023 Update (Patreon)
"What a year. What a shitty fucking year."
12 months ago this is how I began the end of year update. 2022 was a year from hell. I am happy to report that 2023 has treated me far better. I'm still dealing with challenges (as we all are) and I'm really nowhere closer to my writing goals but I am SO THANKFUL for the year that's passed. I am in a far better place now than I was then. For those of you out there hitting one of life's rough patches right now just know that the road can and will get better again. Keep on going. One foot in front of the next. You got this!
These past two months it's been hard finding a steady rhythm for writing but things are looking better for January and beyond. I am chomping at the bit to get into 2024 and all of the adventures both actual and fictional that await me. I am so happy to have you all along with me on this journey.
Whether you've been here the whole way or just joined us recently I cannot express to you enough just how much your support means to me. To know there are people out there sharing these fictional moments with me makes them real in a sense. It touches me and inspires me more than I can say. Thank you.
To sum it up I would call 2023 the year of A Simple Life. What an absolute pleasure it has been creating that world with you then watching Avery and Winona come to life before our eyes. What a ride it's been. I chuckle as I look back at January's update and the reference to the new 'backburner' serial. Needless to say ASL still has some legs in it and it will carry on for the foreseeable future.
Slave Girl 2 has been a joy as well but it is definitely at the point where I've got to wind down this part of the story. I keep saying it but I am really hoping to wrap this one up soon, give it a rest to explore other things, then perhaps look at a part 3 down the road. I would have wrapped it up by now except the damn characters keep getting in the way. LOL Don't they know that I'm the boss!?
Morgan I am still figuring out. The story, the characters, and the setting are all great and the CYOA element is fun but progressing at 1 chapter a month it's tough to build any sort of momentum. Also, having all three serials featuring submissive men and dominant futas (as much as I love it) is feeling a bit restrictive. I'm wondering if I ought to switch the Plus bonus over to one part shorts instead. Not sure yet.
Going into January my intention is to mostly focus on the serials and get some wind back into those sails. I'll probably do another short, likely another Man Flu, just because they are fun palate cleansers to mix things up with. Beyond that I'll try to get a few chapters in on my free stuff whenever I can spare a moment.
As for 2024 as a whole I am going to set the goal of doubling my patron number by this time next year. I don't have a god damn clue how to actually do that but what the hell. Let's put a number on it. Right now our little community is at 131. So here's to 262 in 2024! Wish me luck. 😄
An extra big thanks to my magnanimous Good One. Your generosity continues to humble me. And a big ol' Grim hug to all y'all. I hope you can look back on 2023 with fondness and I wish you the very best 2024 that you can have.
Love to you all. ❤