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Okay, I won't spam y'all with every ebook release but I thought I'd put it out there that I just released my second kindle book today.

Prejac Zach can be found HERE.

For those interested in following along on the kindle ebook side of things my author page ought to be up in the next few days.

Take care.  ❤


Michael Dierks

Really excited to see this. Glad you have more outlets for your writing. I'm gonna check it out, I like having "readable" formats for my stories ... although I love the serials you do here ... I like all the reading, all the formats :)


It's definitely pretty exciting for me. Kinda cool seeing my stuff on Amazon. I'd like to keep the Patreon as my main focus but it might be fruitful to have the ebooks doing their thing on the side. 😄


You keep publishing my favorites and forcing me to buy them again! At this point I may as well just compile a giant list of my favorite stories you ever wrote and give you like 80 bucks for them. Haha.