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Slave Girl 2 Poll: Rosa and Cassie? (Poll)

  • Yes! Seeing them together will be hot. 15
  • No! This is equivalent to Rosa cucking Quin or I don't like it for other reasons. 5
  • Take a breath and calm your tits Grim. Just go with the flow. 19
  • 2024-02-02
  • —2024-02-04
  • 39 votes
{'title': 'Slave Girl 2 Poll: Rosa and Cassie? (Poll)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes! Seeing them together will be hot.', 'votes': 15}, {'text': "No! This is equivalent to Rosa cucking Quin or I don't like it for other reasons.", 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Take a breath and calm your tits Grim. Just go with the flow.', 'votes': 19}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 4, 13, 39, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 2, 23, 2, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 39}


Please bear with an insecure author whose having a bit of a crisis of faith atm.  A longtime reader left a very thoughtful comment that has me having flashbacks to my poor ending of SfH and now I'm worried that I'm making the same mistakes all over again.  I feeling like my best zones tend to be either fully monogamous couples or straight up cuckold scenes.  It's the middle ground of polyamory that I'm starting to doubt myself on, at least for the longer serials.

(Spoiler) My plan was always that Rosa's pussy is for Quin alone (for penetrative sex) but that Cassie is fair game for both other partners.  (/Spoiler)

Anyway, the question is simple:

Are you looking forward to Rosa making love to Cassie?

I will leave this poll up for a few days.  And thank you for putting up with my bullshit.  ❤



Personally I don't mind a soft cuck toooo much, cheating is usually the thing that turns me off a story. I pretty much agree with Christian here and trust in whatever decision ya wanna make for them. It makes sense that Quin would suggest it, but it also makes sense that Rosa and Cassie would both hold off to maximize the payoff for after the harvest festival; I think it would make that moment more impactful for everyone regardless of who is with Cassie first. Rosa's promise of a payoff, plus Cassie's stubbornness and willpower to last as long as Quin to prove herself seem like a reason they would hold out, but either way as long as the characters are happy and you are happy, I'll be happy lol


With SFH it was a tougher OG ending for me cause the MC didn't really seem to want it to happen, he just wanted everyone to be happy, didn't seem too comfortable with his partner being with his sister while she lightly rubbed it in his face


Having read everyone's comments, I think it's undoubtable that Rosa should have one on one sex with Cassie eventually, though there's definitely a question as to whether it should happen 'right now'. Here's my thoughts on each character's reasoning. Rosa: -Quin and Cassie are not supposed to cum until later +Only Quin was commanded, Cassie volunteered -Ceremony matters, I'm not taking the virginity of my savior's bride because of our roleplay. +We are a package deal, and Quin has already taken Cassie's virginity without my permission. +My boy is a good boy and we have cause to celebrate\Cassie is hot\I need to test this new dick eventually. -There are other ways to celebrate, maybe this request could be altered slightly. Quin: +I at all moments want to see my Lady satisfied. This because she is the shimmering, ideal, core of my life who has saved and transformed me with her love. Watching her in ecstasy is the highest form of art. My Lady was in anguish, she needs relief. +There is not an ounce of jealousy in my heart for Rosa pitching. Moreover, I relish deeply others bearing witness to how perfect, beautiful, and powerful she is. It reifies what I already see in her. +Our relationship is not merely roleplay. It is the shape of our love. We are one in this particular fashion, and there is not and can never be jealously or wound between us of this kind. Had conventions weighed upon us we would never have arrived here to begin with. We are both marrying Cassie. As with all things, Ladies first. -I might cum watching this in my cage. Cassie will never let me live it down. Cassie: -I said I would be chaste as long as Quin was, I don't want to lose. +I will do literally anything that Rosa commands, moreover I would relish having one over on Quin and exerting a Girl's privilege over a Boy. I have to get him back for teasing me before when he sucked Rosa's cock at dinner. +I am a hot, needy, bisexual farmgirl who has only ever had an unrequited crush on one local townie woman. Then a superhuman Adonis and his magical, perfect, BDSM, hermaphrodite lover with a huge cock showed up and did many sexual things to me, then denied me from cumming for an extended period of time. I have never wanted any single thing in the entire world more than I want Rosa to attack my vagina with her penis, right now. ----- Altogether I see Rosa as mixed, Quin strongly for, and Cassie mostly for, depending on how this scenario is presented. However, obviously Rosa has the weightiest say. So though I'm all for no holds barred, maybe Rosa gamifies the situation somewhat. And chooses to not finish inside, or to switch from Cassie's vagina to her mouth/ass/tits the second Cassie cums, as a sort of funishment and continuation of the previous deal. This is a near impossible task that will cut the penetration short pretty quickly considering the fact that Cassie was edging and Rosa was already beyond the Zenith of Cassie's imagination hot, then got a bigger penis. But Cassie cumming with just a half or a third of Rosa's cock inside her despite desperately trying not to sounds like a white hot scene to me. It's a new dare, it saves full futa penetration for later, and it addresses both Rosa's and Cassie's theoretical concerns about the situation. Further, it capitalizes on/makes the cockbuff meaningful in a fun way.