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Alone on the kitchen table sits a square white envelope sealed and with the name ‘David’ written at its center in my wife’s perfect longhand.  It brings a smile to my face.  Son of a gun.  Sarah actually did it.

I set down my thermos and lunch kit on the counter and go to sit at the table.  I pull the envelope to the edge of the table in front of me then pause to just stare at it a moment and savor this moment of lewd curiosity.  What had my sweet, innocent wife gotten up to while I was away?

I lean back and laugh.  “As if.”

This envelope and the letter inside of it were part of a playful challenge my wife and I were taking part in.  Today was the first of November and I had allowed my annoying brother-in-law to convince me into taking the ‘No Nut November’ chastity challenge.  Nick, always one to be at the cutting edge of health and wellness trends, swore to me that his yearly month of denial paid dividends in every aspect of his life.  It provided better mental focus, it hardened impulse control, it increased self mastery, and, most of all, it was an all natural way to boost testosterone.  My sister backed up his claims by saying that she always looked forward to December as Nick always had his ‘peak performances’ in the bedroom the month following.  After a few whiskeys and a bit of teasing that I didn’t have the discipline to follow through on such a challenge I decided to prove it to him, my sister, and more importantly myself that I could do it.  It was just a month.  How hard could it be?

When I got home and told my wife Sarah what I intended to do she insisted that she would do it with me in a show of marital solidarity.  Despite myself I could not help but laugh at her well meaning but pointless show of support.  Once I had assuaged her offended, but cute, pout session I explained to her that the NNN challenge was supposed to be just that, a challenge.  For Sarah not doing anything sexual and denying herself orgasms would be as difficult as getting wet in a rainstorm.  To say that my wife was sexually repressed would be the understatement of the century.

While not a believer any longer her ultra-religious rural upbringing had done a number on both her mind and libido.  At a curvaceous five foot two with a pretty face, long golden hair, and cornflower blue eyes she was a smoking hot feast on the outside.  Internally though she was as closed off to the desires of the flesh as an octogenarian nun.  Her sweet and innocent charm was a big factor in me pursuing her but little did I know when I met her just what I was up against.  During our courtship it had taken me months to get past second base and it took getting a ring on her finger to finally slide into home.

Despite her repression she actually enjoyed sex.  As long as we were completely alone and I directed everything she was generally an eager participant.  When she was in the mood she was the most expressive and responsive lover I’d ever had.  But heaven help her if a risque topic ever got raised or if she were expected to do anything even remotely racy on her own initiative.  She would blush and stammer and do anything she could to escape the situation.  If a movie had a spicy scene she would excuse herself from the room until it was over.  If a blue joke were told she would simply blush and fall silent.  And in the bedroom any attempt to have her take the reigns would lead to a sudden ‘headache’ and that would be that for the night.  Sarah didn’t masturbate or fantasize or allow herself any natural expression of her sex drive.  For her sex was a wifely duty, something to be done for my sake but never for her own.  I felt for her.  Even her hangups had hangups.  Over the years I had tried to help her relax and open up to her sexuality but it had gone nowhere.  When it came to the sensual Sarah wasn’t simply repressed, she seemed downright phobic.

Once I explained my laughter she understood it and had to agree with me that the challenge would have been anything but for her.  The discussion however sparked an idea in me that, on a whim, I proposed to her.  I told her that while I endured my month of denial, no small task for a guy as horny as me, that she should take the opportunity to tackle an equally difficult challenge by exploring her own private desires.  I challenged her to do one thing each day that was just a little bit lewd or risque.  I encouraged her to find herself and allow the sexual being that I knew was inside of her to bloom.  I told her that at the end of it that she would feel better and less guilty about her natural urges and that our sex life was sure to be better than ever.  To my great surprise…she agreed!

Stunned but wanting to be supportive I started by suggesting a few little things she might begin with but just the hearing it said allowed sent her into panic mode.  She cut me off and insisted that she would figure it out herself.  She knew that she wouldn’t be able to bear actually talking about it openly yet she wished to keep me updated on her progress so we devised a system by which she would leave me a handwritten letter each morning on what she had done the day before.  As she worked days at a daycare and I worked nights hauling fuel she was rarely home in the morning when I got in so it gave me an opportunity to read it without her around to get uncomfortable about it.  I was to read the letter then shred it afterward as she insisted that no evidence of her ‘naughty November’ be kept to embarrass her later.  Vehemently she made me swear on our marriage that I would not whisper one word about her challenge until it was all over.  She even went so far as to say that I’d be cut off for another month if I broke the trust.  I agreed of course.  I was just excited that she was open to something like this.

Setting out the ground rules initially proved a challenge for her to stumble her way through until I made it easy for her.  As easy as it could possibly get.  Her rules were, she had no rules.  I told her that she had my blessing to do anything she wanted over the course of the month, as long as she told me about it in the letters.  To emphasize how serious I was I told her that she could even go so far as fooling around with someone else if she felt so brave.  This left her understandably shocked but I doubled down and said that she had a free pass for a month, no questions asked and no grudges held.  With any other woman I never would have been so brazen but I knew her well and I knew that she would never be able to bring herself to actually cheating on me, thank God.  But I really wanted to drive home my desire for her to uncover and discover her buried sexuality without worrying about any sort of rules and restrictions.

On the extremely slim chance that she somehow got as far as actually flirting with another man I was confident that my ego and our marriage would be able to survive it. If anything I would be proud to see her become so bold after a lifetime of repression.  Besides, a bit of innocent flirtation on her part would only make me desire her all the more once I could have her again.  I’d never confess it to anybody but I wasn’t above enjoying a bit of hotwife wank material when the mood struck me, which was more often than I liked.  I always felt wretched about it once my head cleared but up until my nut was bust I found the taboo hot as hell.

Wanting to end the awkward conversation as quickly as possible she agreed and our deal was sealed with a night of passionate love making.  For the month of November, 2023 I would deny myself orgasms as Sarah chased them.  Deep down I doubted that either of us had it in us to see the challenge through to the end but, on the off chance we did, December 1st was gonna be something special!

I rub my middle finger across my written name enjoying this moment of mystery.  Whatever I was about to read was sure to be…adorable.  Picking up the envelope I tear it open and pull the neatly folded piece of cream letter paper.  Leave it to Sarah to make it all fancy.  I was surprised to see one of these already as November was less than eight hours old.  After twenty-four I would have been impressed if she had managed to work herself up to something but having just this morning to work with I had my doubts she’d actually done anything.  As I read I see that my suspicion is correct.


Dear David,

Good morning my love!  I hope your night went smoothly.  No, I haven’t done anything naughty yet.  Get that smug smile off your face you stinker!  I’ve still got the rest of the day.  I wasn’t sure if I was even supposed to write anything this morning but I figured it was part of what we agreed so I better do it.  You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to read what I will do today.

Instead of an update then I will tell you about my feelings.  Don’t you roll your eyes at me, mister!  Ha ha ha.  I just wanted to say that you hurt my feelings a little when you laughed at me.  But I understand why.  I know I’m not like most women.  I know that you want more from me.  And I understand that you’ve had to carry the entire burden of the physical side of our marriage and that it is not fair on you.  I’m going to do better David.  For you, for me, for us.  I’m nervous and even a little bit scared but, like you, I am going to try my very best to see this challenge through to the end.  Who knows?  Maybe I’ll even have some fun along the way!  ;)

Supper is in the fridge.  I love you.  I miss you.  And I can’t wait to see you tonight.

Your devoted wife,


Nov. 2nd 


Michael Dierks

What an interesting dynamic you have constructed. As I am always the stick in the mud, I am rooting for their marriage to stay strong throughout, but I anticipate allot of tension 🤫