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Ten is so cute. It is a stark difference to his stage persona. Reminds me a bit of Taemin in that respect. He is really into badminton, he drug both Cheng Xiao and Santa to play with him on their free time. And he was so ready to fill in when Alec was trolling him to surprise him for his birthday. 🤭 Just so you are aware the next episode is a special episode that is mostly the leaders checking in with the students via Zoom (or WeChat) due to the pandemic lockdowns. There are some really cute interactions, but not much dancing although a promise is extracted from one of the male leaders to dance a kawaii anime style dance...which they then perform in episode 6. Episode 6 does not have the routines outlined here (they are in episode 7) but does have some great battles. Interestingly, that situation with Santa and I think it was PlusN was never shown at least not that I can find. Also don't worry, Santa tried his darndest to teach those ladies some groove, if he didn't he probably would be nervous meeting his locking teacher again. He was nervous in the behind the scenes for Dance Crew season 2 when Rei Gogo was there, and Santa explained to his team that his locking teacher was Tony. *edited for spelling*


Ah! This makes lots of sense and thank you for the warning! I will actually be doing 7 earlier than normally scheduled (I will be in LA for a Waving World Final So I am trying to get you guys your stuff soon haha! ) And just based on how he was explaining what Hip Hop was to people, I could tell he has a better understanding of the street dance culture compared to a lot which I admire and enjoy watching him! And TEN is a whole ham and a half . LOVED his interactions this episode


Just to clarify episode 6 is not the special Zoom episode, it just doesn't have the routines discussed here. Episode 6 has many dance battles between the girls and some special guest stars (from SDC including your two fav guys from Hello Dance). 😉


Ah! Gotcha gotcha!! Looking forward to all of it none the less! Especially seeing my favorite Hello dance gentle men 😂✨