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Hey so everyone else at Fightful is doing one of these, so we decided to hop on the bandwagon too! Of course, we had the idea before anyone else, but in normal Kate & Alex fashion, we were late to getting around to ACTUALLY doing it. Typical.

With SRS out this week, he's not doing his normal Q&A show, so we had Corey do one instead. And then we had Jeremy & Joel do one too, just to give you extra value for your Fightful Select monies.

So yeah, ask away in the comments below. Ask about wrestling stuff, Sour Graps lore, our boring lives before Fightful, whatever you want. (WITHIN REASON, DON'T BE CREEPY ABOUT IT)

Also, feel free to include some good ol' Tuesday Jukebox requests while you're at it!

We'll be A'ing your Q's on a LiveStream tomorrow, Friday May 3rd at Noon EST. We hope you can join us!


Chris Kessler

The people are dying to know. What is Alex’s origin of his hate for Jericho lol? At some point Alex must have enjoyed or at least tolerated Jericho.

Tim Wininger

If you could choose any wrestling event of the last 40 years to do a review of, what would it be and why?

Leron Ford

Hi guys, here’s my question. How likely is it that Mercedes vs Willow mains event Double or Nothing instead of Swerve vs Christian?

David Fillipitch

Has Dusty considered making a run in NXT because apparently anyone can just show up nowadays

Shawn Garner

Who's your guys pick for winning the NXT womens north american championship

Michael Ewell

Would you ever do an in-person show together?

David Hart

Have you ever met up in person? If not can we arrange for this to happen

Paul Komoroski

No question. Just love you two.


Now that Scrypts was released, what's next for Jesse Ventura? Maybe an indies run.

Jerrod Hazelwood

If MJF isn't cleared for a match by All In, who would you like Adam Cole to face? Also, let's say the reverse happens and MJF is cleared but Cole isn't?

The ❤ Blind ⚔ Dragon Paladin

I don't have a question. I just wanna say that I love you both dearly. I lost my mother 3 and a 1/2 years ago. And I found you as she was passing. The 2 of you along with the rest of the crew had made my life so much better. I can never thank you all enough. Keep up the amazing work and be blessed.

David C

Hikaru Shida is the ace of the AEW women’s division (and I won’t budge on it!!). How would you guys reintroduce her to tv after this spell out?


Other than retire, what could Jericho do to delight and entertain Alex?

Lord Kev

A q and some a on this lord’s bday on the third of may? What can I say?

Matty Nice

Who would you like to be added to the Elite?

Kim Gray

What would it take for you to actually like Cody?


Question is for both of yas! If wrestling didn't exist, and you weren't doing what you're currently doing, what job/hobby/work would you see yourself enjoying?

Taylor Cannon

I love you both. Yall are the best. Who's one person that you'd like to see get a reign with the NXT Title NXT Women's Title NXT Tag Title

David Gillispie

Any wrestling rules that are ignored that take you out of a match? For me it’s not using Tag Ropes!

Tony Rehagen

With so many NXT top stars getting called up, who do you think will step up? What is Dijak's ceiling on a main-roster return? And who would you like to see as Ilja's first main-roster feud?

young Jay

What got you into Wrestling Young Kate??

Ronnie Rosenberg

What's both of your guy's favorite table spots in wrestling history? P.s. so excited for this!

young Jay

What 's your favourite Movies ??and why


If Alex & Kate ran their own "SourGraps" wrestling promotion... what would they name it? What angles/storylines would they rely on? How would they make their promotion stand out?

young Jay

What is the Best Wrestling match you have seen in person??


In honor of his (hopefully kayfabe) retirement, what's your favorite Chuck Taylor moment/match/memory?

Albert Escobedo

I'm semi new here, but out of curiosity, when was the last time Alex was happy to see Jericho on his screen? Shout out to the bangs bangs gang!

Slimm Saint

Which Dictatorship will wwe shill for next? I personally look forward to Supershowdown from the beautiful and progressive city of Pyongyang, North Korea.


There have been few times in my listening to Sour Grabs where Alex has stated that he enjoyed a stupid comedy thing happening on the show (like a few of R Truth's jokes and 90% of the Timeless Toni storm act), but overall it tends is generally a negative for Alex. so what does it take for you to Actually Enjoy comedy in wrestling?

Ryne Lambert

Alex, when did you realize that Kate was a perfect fit for the sour graps show? Kate, at what point in the beginning of being on sour graps did you know this was gunna be Fun and snazzy as heck?

Jesse Ozog

Favorite play? How to you feel about Method actors?

Darren Lloyd

Would you ever do either sour graps from an old ppv or sour graps recaps of infamous matches

Matthew Hooks

Do you expect AEW to do a 3 hour show since Rampage continuously is getting put with Collision or Dynamite?

dead inside failure

More realistic this summer. Damage CTRL losing (and maybe getting a win or two) versus Becky, Liv & Valkyria. Or Damage CTRL Civil War: Dakota & IYO vs Asuka & Kairi to rival Sasha/Bayley vs Asuka/Kairi from Summer 2020.

young Jay

Have you listened or watch what happened when podcast with Tony schiavone?? They done Wcw 2001 episode very interesting insight from Tony

Michael Gray

If either of you could work for any promotion and you get paid the same everywhere you go, what promotion would you pick and why?

Albert Escobedo

Kate, what is your all time favorite Alex rant?

Craig Britton

Alex is there ever a time you didn’t hate Chris Jericho, just curious

Thomas Manefield

Alex/Kate - what’s your all time favourite Sean drop in our your show?

Chris Spires

Alex and Kate who top 5 wrestlers

J Davis

What are yalls favorite and least songs, bands or albums?


Alex and Kate where do you see your selfs in the next 5 years. I love your content guys please keep up the good work

Brandon Brown

For the Linda and Sheila Have Ya Heard that apparently Cody and Brandi were founding members of The Elite!??


Alex and Kate I need to know the sourest wrestling moment you two can remember? For me I think it was kofi losing to Brock in 5 seconds.

Johnny Cisco

How are y’all so awesome? Lol

Johnny Cisco

What song & voice do you hate to do the most?

Becki Ashford

What was the first episode of Sour Graps with Kate? I just watched the pilot episode and now I want to see the first one with the whole team. :). Love y'all.

J. Adam

Love you both, and thank you for making life sweeter with your sourness. Have you watched Comrade Detective yet?! 👀


If you’re introducing someone to wrestling, what’s the first match and first promo/non-wrestling segment you’re showing them?

young Jay

Do you think the availability of talent or certain contracts or different taping schedule's Is effecting certain booking in Roh?? i miss the universal tapings

young Jay

Sorry you going get these questions quiet alot!! But Why does jericho sucks sooooo much??Alexxxxxx

young Jay

What got you into Wrestling Alex??

young Jay

What does Triple HHH need to do to booked the ladies better?? Better creative going into matches and pay per views .They have like 40 writers!!

young Jay

Have you see joseph montecillo video review on cm punk 2nd run in aew kate??

young Jay

Do you watch kim justice videos about old school joshi and Japanese Wrestling??