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You;ve got Q's, we've got A's.
(That's usually how this works, right?

Nothing like hopping on a trend after the wave has fully crested and the enthusiasm is starting to die out. With SRS out this week, Corey did a Q&A, then Jeremy and Joel, and finally bringing up the rear, it's Kate & Alex!

Thank you to everyone who wrote in with a question, now let's get straight to the answering!

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnyLjZ20KZg


Vain Valor

What wrestling moment since the inception of this show has made Alex the most viscerally sour in each of your opinions? You don't have to answer this, I'm just curious.

Alexander Fitzgerald

What's the worst wrestling show that you have attended live 🤔? Sadly my first wrestling show seeing live was December to Dismemeber 2006 lol


So safe to say Wrestlemania 41 is going to be in Las Vegas?


If the learning tree gimmick gets over - what would Alex's reaction be? NGL I'm kind of diggin it and I'm beyond tired of Jericho.

Henry Casey

Aside from send HBK to OVW, how would you improve NXT if given a single episode of TV to make changes?

Shock of Ages

Kate: you have said we’re friends but would you hate me if I told you I like House of Torture? I promise I have reasons! Both of you: who’s an “in-ring person” you think is underrated on promos and vice versa? One mens one womens for each

Chris Fultz

If wrestling podcasting wasn’t your job, what would your new job be?

Shock of Ages

Thought of another one cause it's something I always like to think of: do you guys have any big "what if" moments in wrestling that you always wonder about? My personal biggest is thinking about what Finn Balor's career would look like if he hadn't gotten injured upon winning the Universal Title


What are your favorite concerts you have gone to? Worst?


What is your favourite and worst current storyline in wrestling?

Tim Wininger

Great job you 2. Could you do this a bit more often? Even once a month would be awesome.

Allyssa Golden

Oh my god I missed this???? Will this be a regular thing??


I had to turn this off immediately at 17 minutes because I was laughing so god damn hard for 3 minutes I couldn’t breathe. The ghost of dusty rhodes cashing checks his incorpeareal ass cannot cash.

young Jay

Loved the stream ghost dusty always kills me sorry for all the questions lol