WRONG SIDE OF TOWN starring RVD and "starring" Batista | THIS. IS. CINEMA? (Patreon)
2024-09-24 12:00:09
WRONG_SIDE_OF_TOWN_starr... - audiogram.mp4 -
WRONG_SIDE_OF_TOWN_starr... - audiogram.mp4
Wrong Side of Town is about a former Navy SEAL who accidentally kills the brother of a local crime boss and has to survive the worst night of his life.
It was created as starring vehicle for Rob Van Dam. But it was marketed as a movie starring Batista, who is barely even IN the movie. Also "starring" (but not really) Ja Rule, Omarion from BTK, and WWE big man Viscera. And Stormy Daniels. Yes, THAT Stormy Daniels.
If you've seen the movie Judgment Night, it's basically that movie, but replace Emilio Estevez with RVD and replace Jeremy Piven and Denis Leary with some local actors from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
The dialogue is bad, the story preposterous, the acting even worse.
But is it CINEMA??? There's only one way to find out.