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  • Alex_Kates_SOUR_GRAPS... - audiogram.mp4
  • Alex_Kates_SOUR_GRAPS... - audiogram.mp4



Jimmy and Jey are back to being the UUUUUUUUUU-SSSOOOOOOOS. So we'll see if that helps the Old Bloodline in their battle with the New Bloodline.

There was a big mystery tonight surrounding Dominick's "Former World Champion" opponent, but the answer was revealed like 10 minutes into the show... and it's the most obvious anticlimactic answer possible.

One women's match, a certified banger with the wrong winner, and a big triple threat tag team #1 contender's match with an ending filled with shenanigans.

It all feels very much like a Go-Home episode to a Blood Money PPV, because it is.

Everything sucks. Let's talk about it.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pObuBIoXU8




Man i was hoping Goldberg would beat the shit out of dom