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Phil and Reg are back with another edition of Ask Grapsody!

Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSCO8UISKUU




What did SRS tell you was the reason The Rock probably isn’t going to work Wrestlemania 41?


Can you explain this Deathriders storyline to me? Its tough to follow. Mox is tired of the silliness of AEW, so he gets in a program with the workhorse of AEW Orange Cassidy? The dude's title defenses were legendary. He may have the most wins of anyone in the promotion. I also don't recall Marina beating anyone in the women's division and now she is choking out Jay White? She went from throwing her socks into the crowd to roughing up the top of the men's card?


As we've seen, PAC only has one outfit - his black trunks and boots. Homeboy is literally riding in the bed of a truck in underwear and long socks. If you had to only wear ONE outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be? You choosing comfort or style?


Why do I have this feeling that the reason why Dwayne is on the fence about working WM 41 is cause he knows he has to put over his cousin..or put over Cody? And he doesn’t want to do it. My feeling is that if he shows up, he is mos def going over. With no questions asked. Going full Hogan. What say yall?

Ruairi O'Brien-Kelly

Will we get a Grapsody travel vlog of the two of you travelling to Toronto June 12? Would be a fun time and an incredible video! 🙌🏼 you guys have seen the GNX theory for us getting the 2nd album between 12-14th Dec? I can’t wait WK/WD! And also love you guys!

Trans Rights are Human Rights

Yall heat about Kota potentially working with a staph infection? Idk how to feel about dude if it's true


If you guys starred in your own Grapsody video game - what would it be about and why?

Alexander Fitzgerald

Cardona vs Jericho at Final Battle is hilarious. Can we just scrap ROH already? What do you guys think of everything that went down with Effy and TK pulling Starks from GCW? Effy was still going on talking about TK again the other day.

Alexander Fitzgerald

How do you guys feel about Kommander replacing Juice in the Continetal Classic. TK should've at least put a believable big name in the tournament. Buddy would've been a better fit in the tournament than Kommander.

Current Veronica is not Good.

Spaghetti question. When y'all make Spaghetti, do you mix the whole sauce with the pasta or pour desired amount on top of the pasta?


Please keep Dave blunts off of my timeline

Ryan nem

With punks promo on Monday about his plans and implying on main eventing mania for a title and having that favor in his pocket. Did it seem like they was planting the seed for the reigns match at mania ?

Ruairi O'Brien-Kelly

Reg how hard was it to compose yourself when Denise had no idea Kendrick was from Cali/LA/Compton? Your face when that happened was hilarious!

Margie Del Castillo

Personally, I think we should be seeing Willow on a weekly basis in AEW and specifically on Dynamite or Collision. I get Mariah and Mercedes being on almost weekly but there's room to have a huge babyface like Willow on as well. What are ya'lls thoughts? Maybe I'm just greedy for Willow, I just think she's a huge star.


What were your favorite childhood drinks and snacks . I was all about jolt cola, Tahitian treat fruit punch, little Debbie honey buns and warheads

Ryan nem

With how wrestling has evolved with social media do yall think a taboo Tuesday type of event could work nowadays?

Brian Hunt

I've enjoyed Mercedes' work wrestling-wise in AEW, but character-wise, I feel like she's become somewhat stale. Often times, I feel like she is "playing the character" of Mercedes Mone instead of making the character feel real and three-dimensional. Do you agree with this? If so, what do you think she can do to come off more authentic in her angles and promos.


Question for Reg. As WWE has this ID program, AEW may need something. So with that said would you have any interest in being a scout for AEW?? I feel you would be great at it!! Go on we're behind the pay wall lol What up Phil 🫡


i was calling kofi and xavier all kinds of bitch ass niggas on monday.


Why do Meltzer be knowing stuff and not telling nobody? I'm listening to him and Alvarez talk about the Nick Nemeth complaint and he's just like "Yeah I knew about all that stuff and I know where his mom stays too"


question: PLUG THE DISCORD. ALSO Kofi is the biggest heel playing the white boy version of feeling good on the twitter video.


He also just said if Punk never got so mad at Owens and Zayn for going out to pizza with Colt Cobana the entire wrestling business would be different. When did they go out for pizza??? So confused lol


the state of new york pause community vs. phil lindsey because give me the raw nut is insanely out of pocket

Ruairi O'Brien-Kelly

BET or Netflix execs pull up on you guys and say create whatever show that you want, what are you making?