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I wanted to drop this here, and give you a look at the current nominations.

We accepted open nominations this year and added the ones you all sent in the most. If there are additional ones that you think HAVE to be added. Comment below.

You CAN fill out a ballot when checking out the nominations -- however, THE OFFICIAL VOTING STARTS SATURDAY NIGHT. Voting on this form below just helps us get an idea of who may win.

If you'd like to sponsor the awards or an award, let us know! Contact us here, or contact Kate!

Nominations are here, let us know if there are any errors: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12WHDM4Z88DKoc7uCrGIzF10RI-bf76X2YaT_XBIObyA


Zack Stayman

No KO for funniest wrestler?

Juwan Cross

Swerve didn't get put on the list for best male in-ring? I feel like that's odd.

Scott Harris

Toni Storm's sleep with her demons promo should be added Swere should be added to In-Ring Wrestler of the Year if he's going to be on the list for Overall Performer of the Year What happened to narrowing down Ospreay's matches?

Brian Brannan

Very surprised to not see Who Killed WCW in the documentary category

Brad Woodard

Maxine Dupri for manager of the year.

Justin A. Thomas

Rock and Roman vs Cody and Seth not being up for tag of the year is criminal

Walter Schwan

With her matches against Willow, Momo Watanabe, Stephanie Vaquer and Kris Statlander (and suspecting another banger with Hazuki on Sunday), I think Mercedes Mone has enough of a case to be considered for "Women's In-Ring Wrestler".

Mohamed Saffee

Anyone else not able to select a hater of the year? Or just me?

Mike Modest To The Top

I see there's an error here, Hangman Page is listed under "hater of the year" when he actually did nothing wrong??

Norm Summers

If there's a MEAT category, I'd like to sponsor it!