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There is an episode of Walker: Texas Ranger (an unintentionally bonkers show as it is) which guest stars Hulk Hogan as a reformed white supremacist biker who mediates a gang war between mostly fourth graders through the magic of basketball.

It is absolutely insane.

But is it CINEMA? Let's ask Kate & Alex.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nox2cfb3xzA



Adam Starodub

Reformed white supremacist? Obviously fictional.

Scott George

Isn't Hogan a white supremacist in real life? 🤔

Kyle The Yeti-looking Bastard Hostetler

I must continue my campaign to get a Kalex review of Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever. As Grumpy Cat is a former Raw GM, I argue that it qualifies!