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Welcome to Select Answers, a short feature that provides some of the answers to questions that were posed to Sean Ross Sapp in the most recent Fightful Weekly Q&A Podcast. The show drops every week on Fightful Select for subscribers.


Have you heard about any creative plans for Kenny for when he returns to AEW?

The plan had long been for him to enter a program with Okada, but I'm not sure how that has changed or adjusted since the Death Riders angle started. I still think we see him this year.

Should AEW pipe in crowd noises? Sometimes on weekly television, I can hear individual coughs and that don’t translate well to live TV.

Yes. Every wrestling should at least to the level WWE has the last few years in one area. WWE lays a blanket "crowd sound" over their broadcast so it never sounds dead silent. It goes a long way in presentation. This would work well for TNA and AEW.

Do you believe we’ll ever see Keith Lee wrestle again for AEW?

Yes, I do. He's not cleared and hasn't been for about the last year.


Andrew Bates

Good to hear an update on Keith Lee. Thanks SRS!


Can't believe we've gone from condemning WWE for fake noise to saying everyone should do it 🤦‍♂️


Hard pass on fake crowd noise, yikes


There's a difference between having a small "crowd sound" and piping in actual chants and what not. The former is totally ok for TV purposes. The latter is lame AF