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Welcome to Select Answers, a short feature that provides some of the answers to questions that were posed to Sean Ross Sapp in the most recent Fightful Weekly Q&A Podcast. The show drops every week on Fightful Select for subscribers.

If/when the Hurt Syndicate expand, which wrestlers do you feel would be the best fit/benefit the most from being with them? Thanks.

We'd just reported that Kevin Knight's deal with NJPW is up soon. I think that he could replicate the Cedric Alexander role really well.

Lio Rush with his natural history with Bobby Lashley would be fantastic, and he cuts great promos.

Anthony Bowens leaving Max Caster would be really great.

Also the Rizzler.

Do you have some update about Bronson Reed recovery?

It looks like he's going to be out for quite some time, by his own admission. He appeared to be in good spirits.

Is there any real chance that the Cena retirement tour could be a angle so he can break the championship record and go on one final short run as a heel by turning on Cody in the main event at mania? I would buy the shit out of a “Just Give Up” evil Cena shirt.

It's not an angle. He's actually retiring. It just won't be until the end of next year, barring something unfortunate happening. Cena has opened up his schedule and WWE has planned very heavily to factor Cena into major plans.


David C

Rizzler feels like the obvious choice. I'll be interested when they announce it. Do they wait until Revolution or does it happen as soon as this month?


It always seemed weird that Cena’s tour was announced as ending in December 2025. I’m reading this as it’s likely to go through Mania 2026. Is that what you’re hearing?

Glenn Dallas

I've been hoping they bring EJ Nduka into the Hurt Syndicate and PUSH THE JUDGE TO THE MOON.