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  • Alex_Kates_SOUR_GRAPS... - audiogram.mp4
  • Alex_Kates_SOUR_GRAPS... - audiogram.mp4



Penta debuted, with terrible new music.
Lyra Valkyria is your new inaugural Women's IC Champion.
Sami won a match with a Blue Thunder Bomb.
Three men who we already assumed were going to be in the Rumble declared that they were, in fact, going to be in the Rumble.
Gunther has a new challenger.
Rhea's Championship celebration got interrupted by an unwelcome guest.
The main event will hopefully be the last time we ever have to see Finn & Damian in the same ROOM with each other.

One of these things made Alex INORDINATELY angry.
Other things on this list, not so much.

But make no mistake, Everything Sucks.

Let's talk about it.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAGHtMvrYVk



Daniel Beesley

I haven’t disagreed with you guys as much about anything as I do about Penta’s music, it’s so good!


Just tuning in...evening SGS

Justin Hesse

Reaching harder than Dhalsim with this one.


i like your show because i don't watch raw so i don't have an opinion on it