PCO-TNA Update (Patreon)
We've gained additional info on the PCO situation with TNA/GCW.
Original Story: PCO made headlines at The People vs. GCW.
Following his match, PCO pulled out his TNA Digital Media Championship. He proceeded to smash it with a sledgehammer, though it didn't break. Those that we spoke to in GCW claimed that PCO went into business for himself. PCO grabbed the mic and started cutting a promo before ring announcer Emil Jay took the mic from him and GCW cut to a video.
GCW claimed they didn't know it was going to play out like that and said that PCO made it sound like he was doing something that was a part of a storyline at the next TNA tapings. Their claim is they quickly became aware it wasn't.
TNA sources that we spoke to claimed they were shocked, and said he was supposed to finish up at the next set of tapings in San Antonio. His contract actually expired at the end of the year. He's not expected back as things stand.
Update: We're told TNA as a company were livid over the situation.
The company claimed that PCO actually had a replica title and that they are in possession of the real title, which people close to PCO deny. He was set to lose it and finish up with the company this Thursday after his contract expired.
They were of the belief that he was upset that his deal wasn't renewed.