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Phil and Reg answer YOUR questions!!!

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/c2Gito_RW0A



Who are y’all playing as first when you get AEW fight forever?

Troy A Palek

Either of you calling a finals sweep? And can you confirm that Cal California suggested Bandido do that cosplay cuz the characters name included Colorado and the finals start tonight? Lol

Suhail Barekzai

Do you guys think Swerve will beat Orange next week for the belt? If so what matches do you want to see with Swerve as champ besides Keith Lee? (Also my last name is Pronounced Bar-Wreck-Zay and I'm sorry for not including that two times in a row, Shoutout to Murray and Lowry either of them winning a ring would make Canada Proud)

Gabe R

What matches do you guys think happen at forbidden door? Cm Punk vs Kenta?

derrick hanna

Do you think Punk will work a limited, "Roman-style" schedule to increase his durability? Also, do you think Michael Jordan will attend Finals games to see his son play in person?


Given all the bad faith stuff wwe affiliates pull on aew (helwani, McAfee) do you think TK should fight fire with fire by using his resources (e.g. pushing for the NFL to drop WWE titles for the sb champs for AEW titles)?

Amay Sashital

You guys going to watch twisted metal on peacock? And which current pro wrestler will be a Hollywood crossover star; beyond mjf or rhea ripley?

Tim Wininger

With Collision starting up June 17th, do you think that would be a good time to introduce women’s tag team titles?

Anwar Starwind

Fantasy booking based question: What would be your card for Forbidden Door 2 if you had control for that night?


We are getting heel punk coming back right? Also pick for NBA Finals? I got Nuggets in 6.

Chris Spires

What like see next for stattlander and Toni storm

Chad McLaughlin

What would be your Collision announce team?

Ramon Atkins

I've noticed over the last few weeks...is Swerve bulking up? Mans looking kinda swole lately. Getting that "main event" look to him.

Ramon Atkins

And speaking of Swerve...Swerve vs Orange for the International title...hmmm, do I smell some Cal California booking?