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Hello, my atlante!

I'm here to give you an update.

As you know, I didn't participate in the recent vote, and I think I did the right thing in declining. Otherwise. Lola couldn't have won!

And she has an incredible drive to compete, by the way. And frankly. I'm happy for her!

That's why I decided to tell you personally something from her biography, because I've known her since she was a child.

You're probably thinking, where does she get this urge to win? Oh... it started long before she grew her first pumpkin...

She loved to mix things up! So if you think potatoes don't go with strawberries (you're thinking right). But Lola loved absolutely everything! All the creepy.... ahem. I mean exotic combinations she suggested to those around her (and especially me). So I always supported her, but not this time.

Yes, I'm really cleaning my mouth because her next sauce was not tasty at all! I couldn't lie about that!

And from that point on, our relationship with her changed a little bit.

And in this update you can find out more details! 

There are also interesting quests waiting for you, continuing to reveal to you the lives of Brelyna and Karita. 



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