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Hi friends, today is a big day for our company Omar. 

Every time you chose the support level that suits you, you probably noticed there not only a list of available features, but also a photo of the Milfrim girl. 

Henceforth up to this point there were the usual shots from the game, which we edited a bit...but what about now? 

And now we've set aside time to improve the visuals, and the decision was made to create brand new artwork for tiers. 

Now each of the girls fully reflects his title, and is even more eye-catching with their beauty. 

Each of these cuties is ready to help you in choosing a level if you are in doubt. 

What can we say about the Resident level? 

Choosing it, you are greeted by Kayla Fisher. Thick blonde hair, bright blue eyes...she smiles widely upon seeing you, and looks respectfully in your direction. 

She greets you cheerfully to bring you any news of Riverwood. 

Also exclusive to you, we are happy to share the steps of creating these beauties. From sketch to final work. 

By choosing a specific pose and hairstyle, we emphasized the character of the heroine and also matched her with the name of the support level. 

The slightly shy but incredibly beautiful Kayla is available to you in full format. Enjoy!



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