August's Rewards Summary (Patreon)
Hello, here are the rewards for August. I've done my best to create something for everyone and I hope you'll enjoy them.
These are the final two days to make your pledge.
The HD, PSD, Etc. and complete rewards will be included in the folder you have already received, and I will also send a new private message to everyone to ensure the content reaches all (hopefully).
Please consider pledging if you like what you see and wish to support the creation of more content. Your support is greatly appreciated and needed at this time.
Content for August:
5$ patrons will get: Clark muscle growth stage 3, Lycaon the stri**er, NW & RH + Bruce
10$ patrons will get: all of the above + Doctor man, Taichi and Matt's dad, Avatar comic page 5 + some bonus older rewards.
20$ patrons and above will get: content from the 5$ and 10$ tier + Green Lantern Corps - pages 1 and 2(new comic) + Sam and the Muscle Growth comic pages 7, Ben 10, and 4 arms(new reward) + some bonus older rewards.
Much love to those of you who are still here, particularly those who have been around for so long. I appreciate you all!