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December is almost here and with it, 2023 its coming and its crazy how fast this year has gone o_O

A preview of what's to come. Many of these are a wip so far.

What u'll get in December:


New ongoing comic - ill make a suggestion post at the start of the month

Milo TF new stage

Nightwing x Red Hood - page 5

Short Christmas special comic

+more hopefully.


Let's Train! comic - new page

Clark x Damian - CG Pack

Special reward - Suggested by patrons and drawn by me

Kevin Levin - CG Pack

+ more I hope


Johnny Test comic - new page

Shaggy and Fred Muscle Growth - new page

+ more if possible

+  other stuff that I'll create along the way!

*some rewards may not be made or other rewards may be added

I hope ill have ur support next month as well.




Can't wait for this set