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First I just want to welcome any and all new Patrons. Hello! I hope you enjoy this page! Please view said page in a browser like Chrome or Safari. This is because I have an important pinned post that’s near impossible to find on the Patreon mobile app at this point. It has links to the Patreon Discord server as well as the archive of exclusive audios as well as more info about what you get at the various tiers. Also if you need to contact me the best way is to email! (Some days my inbox is bombarded by more crap than others so at times things slip by me. If you don’t hear from me within a week of sending an email please send it again!) Patreon sucks at notifying creators of DMs in a timely fashion and I’m not always on Discord or Twitter. Hope you enjoy your time here!

So I’ve been feeling under the weather lately. Scratchy sore throat on and off plus head aches. But more so my stomach has been driving me crazy. Bad nausea and tummy pains and lots of time in the bathroom. Doctor said it’s tied to a bad sinus infection (I don’t feel much nasal symptoms because of the topical meds I take for nasal allergies but apparently there’s bad sinus drainage gunking up my throat and upsetting my stomach.) I also might have another ulcer because several times I’ve thrown up and the color of what came up can be a sign of internal bleeding. But I need to wait on more tests for that.

My mental health hasn’t been great either. Anxiety to the point of random panic attacks that make me hyperventilate for over an hour at time. And crippling executive dysfunction due to ADHD. My depressive symptoms are currently more so in check which is good. But the anxiety and adhd has gone to hell. I’m being treated for all this but my adhd meds don’t seem to be working as well. And the medication that eases panic attacks straight up just makes me pass out asleep. This has been interfering with content and streaming and even just regular social media activity and email correspondences. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist this afternoon so hopefully something can be figured out.

My last ketamine therapy treatment went well. They’re ready to slightly up my dose and incorporate other things into the therapy. Next appointment is in a couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to it because I do believe it’s helping slowly but surely.

So long as the stars align (ie my health - physical and mental - is good and the kids don’t interfere) in June I’m going to aim for up to 3 audios weekly. A public sfw one, a PHub audio where the HD version is exclusive to this page, and a Patreon exclusive piece. Again this all hinders on the stars being in perfect alignment. So unfortunately unlike other creators I can’t make any set in stone content schedules. And I can’t do much to pre record because it can be hard enough getting the time to get recordings in for just one audio let alone any additional ones. Keep in mind I’m a married adult in my 30s with physical and mental health issues and all the responsibilities that go with all that. Plus I have three kids (for those who don’t know) - a 9 year old, a toddler, and my new baby who is almost 5 months but was born premature so her milestones are different from other babies. My 9 year old is really only a problem when I try to stream. However my toddler fights going to bed and sleeping often so I’ve heard her making noise playing in her room as late as 4am sometimes. (And the best times for me to do recordings are between 3 and almost 6am). My baby isn’t on any schedule yet though we are trying. Most of the time I have to sleep when she does because it’s rare she sleeps more than about 4 hours in a single shot. Husbando works overnights 4 days a week and does jogs and gym workouts plus sleeps all day so there’s only really 3 days a week he can do more than the bare minimum help with the kids. All this to say is I’m not a single college girl or young twenty something with few responsibilities where I can put most of my focus into content. There’s a lot in my life that takes priority and that’s not including things not within the walls of my house (I have pets too 😅 but they usually don’t get in the way). I’m just not the type of person to blow off my spouse or put my kids down to work on content. And I personally think poorly of creators who are like that and prioritize content over their families and others in their real lives who rely on them and their attention. So if you came here expecting a content machine like other ASMR audio creators you have unfortunately come to the wrong person. Just letting you know.

Next month I’m going to try to experiment more with this page. More things that require input from you all and your participation. While I still won’t do straight up requests and script submissions I may put out for you all to work together to come up with an audio concept I can do where you decide what it’s about and what happens. I also might resume my cozy podcast cohosted either by my husbando D-Knight or my artist bestie Kawitchii. Let me know what you would be interested in!

I’m resuming regular streaming again (best I can) after Orki’s ReDebut over the weekend. Twitch streams are once again on Wednesdays and Thursdays in the evenings (usually after 9pm EST/6pm PST). I’m going to try to also stream on joystick.tv doing adult streams Tuesdays and Fridays after 10pm EST/7pm PST but they won’t be as much a priority. Links to everything is on https://www.OrkiVtuber.com . I’ve also been working with UWUMarket shop for Orki’s merch drop which will include posters, apparel, Dakimakura, mousepads, and more. Date of drop hasn’t been set yet but I will let you know when it’s figured out! I’m going to ask the rep working with me if you patrons can get a special discount coupon too.

Well that’s about it for now! Please keep safe and be well. Know that I love and care about you. And as always - stay awesome~~~! ❤️❤️❤️✨

XOXO Kitti Minx 💋💋💋✨



Huntsman of Atlas

I completely understand, your health and family coke first, we can wait


Please hang in there, you have so much on your plate now, take your time when it comes to it all and especially this. Thank you for the update and glad the treatments are apparently working. You're continually in my prayers.

Cole Tobin

I pray that your kids do not find out about this.