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The Far Merchant is one of my favorite Character Cards we've made for Solomon - short demons that dress in rags and robes, selling strange and ominous objects to whoever is willing to pay their prices. They range in appearance from Jim Henson Goblins to unsettling amalgams of bone and flesh. Chase is currently working on an incredible illustration of a Far Merchant for the book, which I'll post here along with the full Far Merchant page once that's ready, but in the meantime I wanted to show you the table of Far Merchant offers. 

There's two files here - the fancy file and the easy file. The fancy file contains the table, followed by a list of the items in alphabetical order, while the easy file contains the items embedded within the table. I recommend the fancy table if you plan on printing the document out, while the easy table is better for online viewing. 

The table is composed of four left-hand columns, each with a number. The number at the top determines what table the Far Merchant rolls on, to determine the objects to sell. You then roll a d10 twice, and the Far Merchant offers those two deals. If you roll a 10 on the dice, you roll again for the next table. So for example, if I roll for a Score 2 Far Merchant, and I roll a 10, I roll again on the Score 3 Far Merchant section and use what I rolled there. 

I think these are some really interesting concepts as far as objects go, and I'm very excited for you to check them out! 



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