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tease me for my weight gain in the comments

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vje8rw70ew5uu3m2tgvlh/5.2023-large_briefs.mp4?rlkey=8cdj1j2h0glyn2pkjmhxi2dio&dl=0

Password: tightcalvins4



Jake Wazer

Such a twunk…and look at that fat pad. I think it’s taken the last 5 pounds you gained. Ur blowing up fatty 🐷😈

Christopher Rimes

You fat fucking pig. Look at you! With the way you eat, you're going to be 350 by Christmas and tear those XXXL briefs in half while you stuff your face on New Year's Eve with plate after plate of fattening food.

Jake Wazer

You are uncontrollable. There’s nothing you can do to stop. You are so addicted and you love every second of it


300 has been such a noticeable difference on you, you’ve gotten so huge. Love hearing you talk about how you’ve just let yourself go. There’s no going back and you know it, you’re just going to keep getting bigger and bigger 🐽😜