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We have returned to Shiganshina...with a problem.



Alex Jobson

we are here! season 3 part 2 😍😍


armin is the narrator 🙈

Μαρία Μπουρίκα

Stuff to point out: When Erwin said "they're not the only ones hiding something" he was referring to the newly developed thunder spears. The titans the Beast Titan spawned were actually hiding underground and the Beast Titan can control other Titans as we have seen but it is a completely different power than the founder or coordinate that Eren has since there can only be one founting Titan at the time. Also Reiner didn't care about Eren at the time he was rather trying to figure out their plan but don't think he's evil,Reiner and Bertdholt are way more complicated characters than they seem. From this point on you're not going to be able to catch a break, it's all going to be plot twists and fighting without stopping for a single episode (this is were the fun begins my brother, get ready).


there were breathing passages (tubes) inside the grass in episode 13 at 10:17 (playback from ur reaction) indicating that the titans originated below ground


also with the season 1 cliffhanger that revealed a titan inside the wall is not an imagination

Ezekiel Bautista

When Erwin meant intelligent titan, he meant that titan on all fours is a human like Reiner, Bertholdt and the beast titan so there is a fourth person in the mix as well

Jon Dejour

Bet, I better buckle up for this madness to come! And wow, that makes me wonder if there are more titans hiding underground 🤔