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Is Eren about to become a villain??



Alex Jobson

Good work spotting the Grice thing Grice was the eldian they let loose as a human so the titans would chase him to the wall. It’s believed he’s a relative of Falco


Bro i see you Say Is eren about to be come the villain? But you saw the story in this show there are no villain


And i think they are right if you dont fight you cant win thats a fact


He cant do the RUMBLING by himself he Need someone with royal blood


But i think conny Is not right becouse that was and isteric laugh that he did even with hannes dont try to look eren bad come on

Pricel Seleman Jr

Yeah it's Falco's uncle I think they mentioned something in a few season 4 episodes where Gabi said your family will be safe your brother is inheriting the beast titan or something along the lines of that which should be a reference to why Falco and Colt are in the military

Max Struve

Oh I think eren knows exactly what he is doing lmao

Μαρία Μπουρίκα

Isn't attack on Titan great at connecting everything; We can see that with Mikasa. At season 1 we saw that she was kidnapped. That happened because she was Asian so they wanted to sell her because Asians were extinct except for Mikasa and her mother. And now four seasons after that we see how that happened. She is The descent of the child of the Shogun that was accidentally left in paradis either great Titan worth 80 years ago.(By the way Mikasa is an Ackerman from her father's side and an Asian from her mother's side). And for the Grice Family you were right. If you remember when Eren was sitting in that hospital with his grandfather he said that someone from falco's family was a restorationist and that now they are trying to redeem themselves by making their children warriors of Marley. So it's evident that the friend of Grisha is a relative of Falco but it cannot be his father since the years don't add up so he's probably his uncle. Some insane plot twists are incoming so be ready.



Jon Dejour

True, this show connects things so well that it makes me watch episodes twice lol. I think this is the only show that ever did that to me. But MORE plot twists?! 😮


Yo it’s Aqua just saw your newest vid about Patreon and got so exited I have been binge watching all of season 4 of AoT love your vids man keep up the amazing content

klexzy Fr

Most of the AOT cast in roughly 19 right now, Eren was 10 in the beginning, plus 2 years in wall rose, plus 3 years in the cadet core, then being 15, after season 3 there was a 4 year time jump, Eren and most of them being 19, so historia isn’t a kid having a kid (to answer that question)