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Hello everyone,

in this update is added Spain, South Korea+ and Iceland.

  • Iceland - created full pyramid (6 levels), added League Cup B, C, added Lower League cup, corrected fixtures for Iceland Cup, League Cup A, Champions Cup, playable either from 2023 and 2024

  • South Korea+ - added K5 League, added missing clubs in K5 (names are in text file in korean and english because some of them didn't have english names so I my translation might not be good), added stadiums for teams in K5 league, promotion between K4/K5 is from season 2027

  • Spain - added 6th level, added 2nd level of U19, corrected finances, fixtures and rules for leagues (3rd-6th level) and all cups

In K5 league teams play normally on multiple stadiums but for better functioning in game they have configured home stadium.

Thank you for your support and enjoy the databases :)


Karan Patel

Hi, I noticed that the Copa Federación isn't working as intended (from my understanding). La Liga teams are qualifying for it.


Hi, teams from 1th-3rd level shouldn't qualify into Copa Federacion, they were blocked but I updated the file with even bigger block so there is no way that teams from those league will be there, I tested it again and everything worked correctly

Karan Patel

Interesting, I am wondering if any of my other daveincid files could be clashing with your league files. A brief check on the pre game editor didn't help, I restarted my save from fresh - and still same issue. I will just treat the cup as an additional league cup. No worries - and thank you for the response

Karan Patel

Figured it out. Dave's performance improvement files were clashing with the cup. All good here - thanks again!