0208 - Adil Hoxha (Patreon)
In an episode filled with nobodies, Adil qualifies as one of the more recognisable characters, mainly because of his prominence in this episode. This is his only speaking appearance, but he speaks quite a lot.
This is possibly Adil's second appearance, his 'first' being in "There's No Disgrace Like Home":
The colour scheme is right, as is the hair...maybe? And it would make sense that he is here, spying on the power plant owner? Right? Maybe? Okay, this is a stretch, and we will never mention it again, under penalty of torture.
At some point after this episode, Adil re-enters America, only to be deported, in season 4's "Lisa the Beauty Queen":
His family here is somewhat consistent with his family from "The Crepes of Wrath", even though his father is nowhere to be seen.
Our last potential encounter with Adil is in season 9's "The City of New York vs Homer Simpson", in which he attempts to come to American again but is redirected to Canada:
His hair is a little thinner here but give the guy a break, he's clearly had a lot of stress in his short life. His mother is consistent with the season 4 appearance, as is the guy with the bowler hat (Adil's stepfather?) so I'm saying this is the same Adil.
Adil appears in the "Krustyland" stage of Bart vs the Space Mutants, so here's how he looks on NES:
Here he is on the Amiga:
He's still there in the Amstrad CPC version:
And in the Atari ST version:
He's oddly absent from the Commodore 64 version, presumable they didn't have enough RAM to render his intricate sprite:
He exists on the ZX Spectrum as a spectral form, appropriately enough:
And his appearances on the Mega Drive/Master System/Game Gear are so far removed from the original design that I'm not sure why I did this, or why you're still reading it:
This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.