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Big day over on the "extra Simpsons character" farm!

First, let's look at this moment from the scene where Adil gives a speech to his fellow students at Springfield Elementary:

A bunch of friendly familiar faces here - surely by now you recognise our good friend Adrian Belew - but I chose to focus on the front row kid (who I have nothing interesting to say about, but stuck out to me,) and Smug Girl, a C-list fan favourite. As far as I can tell she never gets a line, but often stands out in scenes for me because of her unique expression, so today is her time to shine here. There are a few other recognisable faces here that we haven't gotten to yet, but we will eventually - I think some of them even get lines!

Next up is Homer at the power plant, seemingly actually following some safety regulations, which I only document here because I like alternate outfits and such:

And lastly is the rankless Albanian officer who receives Adil's transmission from the US:

Years of intensive army training and all he has to do is wait by the fax machine.

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.



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