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I've drawn a lot lately, I think whenever I get brainworms about a show it gives me a kickstart into doing traditional stuff again because I can do studies...which I know is maybe weird but I really enjoy them. (The brainworms are for The Terror, waa...)
I also I filled up my ink pens so now I *have* to use them frequently or they'll dry up haha! 

I've been trying again to push my style, I know everyone intrinsically gets a style and they just can't see it...but I do wish mine was more obvious to me! My portraits and things from ref are like, just copies of the photo (to me), where I want to get to the heart of the person I suppose?? To narrow it down and emphasise the parts that make them Them. I think this is connected to comics, I havent got time to render a beautiful face every time, I need to pare it down into the essentials.

I also got gifted some more gouache by Hari, so I was finally brave and did something a bit more ambitious on the last page- I had an hour before I could play BG3 and promised my partner I'd get a painting done or I wasn't allowed to play, so I had to XD! It wasn't referenced*- unlike most of the painted portraits previously, and I'm really glad it came out well! (*I had photos of the character, but not in that pose)




I always absolutely love your style! I wish it were more obvious to you as well, because it’s so clear to me - you have a very distinctive line and the way you use color always jumps out at me. There’s a warmth to it that I love!