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I saw the community chat didn't have anything in it, so here's a topic to discuss. 

It's post apocalypse. Society has rebuilt its foundations once again and has started to uncover artifacts from the ancient 'modern' world. Among their discoveries, they locate one item that belonged to you - one that was meaningful, important, or sentimental.

If you could choose, which item of yours would you leave for the people of the future to find?  It is perfectly preserved as if placed in a time machine, so feel free to pick literally anything. 

For me. . . it would probably be my bookshelf :D Not only are all my favorites on there, but all the notes I've taken and journals I've written stay on that shelf. I think it would be cool for them to know what life was like growing up in the 90s and 2000s.

Now, idk much about how the community tab is supposed to work, but lets try putting the answers over there? Idk, we're conducting this experiment together. If all else fails just comment to this post. 




You know, I've always fancied myself a soccer player. I played from first grade through to my senior year of high school. And now I'm a volunteer referee! So, as it's my only aspect I'd want to boast about, I think I'd want future people, I'll call them Inklings, to find either my soccer cleats or a good ol' fashioned soccer ball. Now, as the Inklings are a primitive, competitive, war-like race, you may ask me: "Don't you think these grotesque pygmy squid humans will assume your spiked shoes are war implements used for grinding your enemies into a bloody pulp?" To your hasty, needlessly accusatory interrogation, I calmly reply: No. You see, soccer cleats are blunted on the tips, meaning they don't tear flesh, so much as bruise it slightly. I should know; they hurt like a MOTHER ****** but you can get up and keep right on trucking even if someone steps on your. Also, unlike baseball cleats, soccer cleats have no cleat on the toe, because then all us soccer players *would* hurt each other when we kick each other as hard as we can. So, I'm not worried about the Inklings hurting themselves with my shoes. As for the soccer ball, it's pretty innocuous. It's just leather scraps filled with air, so it doesn't have a lot of mass to it. You have to try really hard to do damage to someone with a soccer ball. Again, I should know. I've tried. All in all, I hope the Inklings take to my sports equipment with as much gusto as I did in my youth. Maybe then, they'd stop getting paint everywhere.


This is both hilarious and interesting enough to be published. I recommend you get into writing yourself. Seriously :D Otherwise, lawl! Soccer related stuffs huh? Didn't know you played. I did one year of Soccer and didn't like how I ran the whole time but never got the ball.