Mini Giantess Story coming Tomorrow (Patreon)
Guys! What's shaking?
So I started on my longer BE/Lact/Yuri story this week. Doing okay so far! But then I buckled down to try to get this Giantess Story you guys wanted out by today. Unfortunately, I was sick yesterday and barely got any words done so I spent today finishing the first edit.
For the sake of quality and delivering well on the promise of a GTS story, I'm going to ask your forgiveness if I post this story tomorrow. That will give me some time to go back over it again to ensure its quality. And, since I'm making you guys wait, I won't be posting this story to deviantart for a while so you guys get the real first dibs :D
It'll be out tomorrow for sure, editing finished or not. I'm not about announcing something and then delaying the release forever. That's just bad practice. But it's currently at about 19k words and feels pretty good? So we'll see.
I'll even add a teased ending on there just in case its liked and you guys want a sequel at some point. Just thought about that :o
Anyway, thanks for the patience. I want to deliver on writing well and not just often :) Hope you guys look forward to it.