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Hello!! I've opened back up and updated my store to include some leftovers from the last few months, and i've added a separate category for Holo stickers! Samus and Ada are very limited!

STICKER CLUB MEMBERS!! If you order, feel free to let me know (either here in DMs or in the note section of the store's checkout) and I'll ship it together October's Sticker Club rewards!

Use code SKYLA15 for 15% off at checkout!



Senshi Sammo Art

Howdy! When I went to checkout on the shop it was only showing Canadian Providences and no US states 😅 I'm not sure if it's just big cartel being glitchy (it's happened to me before so I get it!) or if something might've gotten changed accidentally but I just wanted to let ya know!!


That’s odd just got a bunch of orders from the states :0 is there maybe a specific item you tried to order! It’s possible I forgot to include US shipping prices for something


Hmmm I don’t see anything wrong with it!! Would you be able to try a different device/browser and let me know?