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I figured this was the best place to make this announcement / share my thoughts with you.

Throughout November, I really enjoyed making these comic bits and I am sure these will be a recurring thing from now on, just not in the quantity that I pushed them out.

With that said, this also got me thinking in regards to December and the Christmas Season.
So, I brainstormed a little and came up with a nifty Community idea.

I have previously worked on mash ups of characters before, so I figured that we could have character suggestions / votes for each day leading up to December.
These characters will get their individual Christmas themed pin-up / possibly more than one and will be featured on a grand finale post on Christmas Day.

To give you an idea, here's what my latest mash-up looked like:
I am really looking forward to see your responses to this idea and would love to chat with you all to kinda iron out the final form of this.

Oh, there will also be a Raffle on Christmas as well, so stay tuned for that one.

Much love <3


Patrick Bradley

You're absolutely killing it with the quality and pace of the posts :3


That sounds like a great idea. Like an advent calendar of sexy ending with a community made mash up. I vote yes on the idea


Not sure if it’s possible but can I suggest a nisha showcase in the future?


The cobra / snake? Probably, yeah ^^ I've been toying around with some SDXL today and made some good progress on getting an idea of it. Once I've got my style over, she should be no problem ^w^