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"You can do whatever you like . . . just be gentle, okay?"

Well . . . that was a surprised to be sure ^^
I really didn't expect Fluttershy to emerge victorious this time, but here we are.

As one could've guessed . . . PONYXL is indeed able to do ponies quite well.
I've pretty much got normal pin-ups down now, what's still WIP is everything that's more explicit.
For some reason, one character handles them really well, while others just won't work at all unless you help it out a little.

Anyways, bit of draught these past hours, so expect a post every 2 hours from now xD





Ponies for me are always a bit of an iffy one. Ultimately though, they aren't too different from our usual culprits ^^


I'd also like to suggest Ankah and Audie both from animal crossing 😻

Ondra Chotaš

Please do sunset shimmer this Is awesome !!!

Juan José López Hernández.

A little, but, I love Fluttershy, next Rarity and Princess Cadance in DA, Finally, Princess Luna, I love the Exclusives, I have 12 (For the moment)