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"Just cause the holidays are over doesn't mean we can't have some more fun, right?"

Welp, Christmas was . . . kinda okay.
Stressful as I remember it, but nice in a way as well.

I hope you had some great time though with your friends and family ^^

I . . . kinda played around with some stuff with Amy and tried some more stuff with PONY.
I've gotten to a point where I use it more than the old model, but I am still not too fond of the longer generation times.
(At least double the usual, if it doesn't bug out).

Regardless, the results speak for themselves ^w^




Markus Soeders Vater

She's so incredibly hot, gawd damn. And those facials 👌🥵💦💦

Lawrence Townsend

😍 beautiful. Could jean the ender dragon be next if so?