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Help 🫠

  • 431 ❤️‍🩹 114
  • Advent calendar 76
  • 2024-12-02
  • 190 votes
{'title': 'Help 🫠', 'choices': [{'text': '431 ❤️\u200d🩹', 'votes': 114}, {'text': 'Advent calendar ', 'votes': 76}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 2, 19, 18, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 190}


well as i have a cruel dilemma. i was originally supposed to do the advent calendar, but after this horror that is chapter 431 and my "chapter 432 to save our broken hearts" now i don't have time to do both at the same time. Haha 🫠

So choose what you want to see in property



Nous avons besoins d’un second chapitre 431, nous avons besoins de réparer nos cœur 🥹


I hope you could do both even if the advent calendar is pushed to january!


choose the one where your heart is currently most at


I think honestly which ever makes you feel better tbh


I voted for 430 but do whatever you wanna do most🙌🏻😊


Whatever you feel is more important to you personally.


I cant choose Nyx😩 ❤️ Both sound great to me and I'd be happy with either one. Just do whichever will make your heart the happiest ❤️


We will love anything that you grace us with!!

Jenna Wastell

You do what you want we l9ve anything you make regardless

Nicolai Dubenic

i vote for 431. i'd love the advent calendar too though. But whatever you choose, i'll be very happy with.

Cat Butler

I would do 431 and then run advent calendar as long as you want to afterwards... If you want it to end mid-January, I don't think anyone will complain. If you want to forget a few days in favor of 431, do that :)


Do it for the people. As we need some comfort content in these hard times 😭