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Been wanting to do a picture of Rane on all fours since his pinup last year, and since then, made some slight tweaks to how his fur/feather design and placement is. I draw plenty of girl ass, so I like to mix it up in there for the guys(and girls!) that like boy butt too.

Just another small doodle, done one the iPad while Hurricane Irma knocked out my power and net. Now that it's back, I'm working on sketches for the pinup AND the comic, will post those soon! Thanks for the patience, and enjoy the sketches!




Nice boy butt! It's sad to think that Radoslav won't get a pinup before next year at least :,


Wait done on an iPad? Does that mean with a stylus or finger? Great job either way!


I like the direction you've been going with fur these past few months. It's lookin' nice!




Ah, birb butt! <3 That little tuft of fur on the balls is a great detail that's really enhanced the NSFW male art you've done!

Captain Lackwit (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-31 14:55:20 仰るとおり、背景でシチュも変わって想像できちゃうんですよね。「奥さんラブホとかきたことある?」という流れも構想でありました。
2017-09-12 04:26:34 oh hell hell HELL yes!

oh hell hell HELL yes!


This seems relevant: <a href="https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/HaQZEQ1U5EY0HCTSABKVsFAxkiNzr09Saos6tBH787Q/https/i.imgur.com/Vznz8Qg.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/HaQZEQ1U5EY0HCTSABKVsFAxkiNzr09Saos6tBH787Q/https/i.imgur.com/Vznz8Qg.png</a> I hope you're safe, though. And that's a nice birb butt, indeed!


Mmmm hehe, so happy to see hunky Rane bird butt~ &lt;3 lovely work hun hehe


Rane sexy as ever. i hope you color it :3

Kraton Haddock

you're Rane is quite a handsome birb, from the hair and face right down to the butt. well done! :)


Why exactly did you post that if you didn't want people to respond to it?


I don't mind replies, I just don't think this is the appropriate place to discuss the "taste" of a drawing. If Fluff dislikes the joke, he'll probably ask me to remove it himself


Is great to see more guy butt from you :D


Oh sure, a hurricane that has leveled the islands it hit and killed many, but turning it into some stupid MySpace 'share this and your crush will kiss you" bull shit is totally not suppose to get a reaction negatively when people have lost everything from it. You don't just get to tell me that its not the place to say "That stuff was tasteless and wrong".


Sigh, alright. You should learn to take things with humour, your life will be brighter. Disasters are disasters, you can be prepared, but they can happen at any moment, and can't be avoided. Rid yourself of expectations for the future and enjoy the day, that way, you'll see hurricanes for what they are: a beautiful and utterly powerful part of the cycle of nature that lets us live in this world. Mourn the dead, live for them if it makes you happy, and respect the nature that gives you so much. If you want to take issue with a picture, it is your choice, but you didn't need to impose your opinion here, at a place where we can't talk this out privately. Name a place, and you can throw your opinions at me to your heart's content there.


There's taking things with Humor, which I have ..like getting shot at, and then there is trash like this. Don't lecture me about preparedness and how to go about it when you haven't been the one pulling people from their entire destroyed lives onto a chopper and then trying to console them when they physically have NOTHING left. In short, it was extremely tasteless, you have no moral high ground, and get off your soap box before you get kicked off of it and beaten with it and while you're at it, go fuck yourself and eat a dick. Sincerely, someone who has helped at the Fukashima aftermath and the after math of these hurricanes.


I don't pretend to have a moral high ground, I just take life this way. I live in a tectonically active area and always have some bag ready to grab and go. Because such is life, and getting further depressed over what you've lost is worse. And even then, I appreciate the beauty of nature and its cleansing power. Now please stop, I think this is enough.


Yeah, you should of thought it was to much before you posted that shit. You just live in an earth quake heavy area, you haven't said yet that you lost all your earthly possessions to one, until you can do that and think that picture is still funny, then you have no room to talk. Or better yet, how about you post a picture right after of someone who spent weeks cleaning up after destroyed lives with some stupid "Rock your disaster relief crew" message. After all, Only then, will we not be pissed at you for being a trash level person. (no we won't)


You know nothing of what I have or haven't suffered, and having lost a house or a single foot of land doesn't make me more right or wrong about taking a disaster with humour, so don't talk about what you don't know, John Snow. I'm not the type that has to show their misery to everyone so they feel bad, I just get things done. I live day by day, knowing full well that the next one may find everything I love turned upside down, because I know the risk more than anyone, yet live without fear. And I certainly don't have to call people "trash level person" or wish disaster upon them just because our points of view differ.


I have to say Ilçeren, you're acting very much like a trash level person at this time. It's not about the content of your initial post, it's the poor way you're conducting yourself in response to other people reacting to it. Honestly if you only wanted Fluff to see and comment on that pic, you should have sent it to him as a private message instead of posting it where everyone can see it.


Huh... That makes me wonder. I'm not insulting or namecalling. I'm not assuming I know anything about the life of some random stranger of the internet that takes issue with a picture. I'm merely illustrating my approach to life and potential disasters that may happen in the way, and I am the one that is at the level of trash. Sure. But I'll take the cue, you guys won't get further responses from me, as it'd be pretty much repeating myself. Think what you may.


Here's a hint, if several people think you're acting like a piece of shit, You might just be acting like a piece of shit.


<a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum</a>


So much for "you guys won't get further responses from me," huh?


That's funny, you're talking about freedom of speech while simultaneously trying to put restrictions on how people can voice their reactions. Seems extremely self-serving and hypocritical. Freedom of speech means that you are certainly free to say what you want, but other people are also free to say what they want in response. Doesn't matter if their response is "degrading."


Just because something has a "fallacy' of argument does not mean it is automatically wrong. And while you may not be name calling, you are insulting and making light of peoples lives being destroyed and then expect us to just brush it off because of some crap you say and any one can say but does not excuse what you've done to make light and insult the losses people have suffered.


Freedom of speech only protects you from the Government punishing you for stupid shit you say, not for getting your face kicked in because you said something heartless, cruel and acted like an asshole.


Alright, I was unaware of the comment chain here because it was hidden and didn't notify me, but I feel the need to step in and try and resolve this. I'm also not sure which 'reply' to hit that it will notify the peoples involved, but hopefully this will suffice.


No, this is not really a place to post other images or "reply" type pictures/content, but I'm also a proponent of the "if you don't like it, just pass it by" stance. I wasn't really offended or anything by the initial post, but as I said, not quite the place for it, as it doesn't really have anything to do with the original post. If it were a post about the hurricane alone, then maybe it merits more relativity. That being said, I'm not going to pick sides here but instead should say: Please, just let it be. It's really not getting anything done by continuing this argument. Name-calling goes nowhere, and I really do not want different Patrons here to turn this place into something hostile. This should be an art-only place of discussion to relax and enjoy. I want everyone to feel equally welcomed here. I think this argument is based solely on differing senses of humour, or who thinks what should be allowed here. It's not worth continuing. Life's too damn short to be annoyed at each other for something this simple; can we please just try to agree to disagree on what each thinks is funny, try to stay civil and on-topic, and get along? Thank you.