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Sorry for the slow few days; after coming back from Anthrocon, I have a few small doodles I did that I liked and wanted to refine; Rehzi was actually the first print to sell out. A lot of people came up and complimented him, loved him. It was humbling and motivating to do a little diddle in my spare time!

Side note rant:

I'm going to do my best to focus closer on the comic this month; a few times this year I'd only gotten 1 page done, due to other things, but I really want to be on top of that. Spent today sketching/thumbnailing some panels for the next page, and hope to get 2 done despite Anthrocon. 

Will also be posting more quickie/doodles in between the bigger stuff. Previously I kept saving them for later and only posting big things, which meant less work to view overall, that I'm gonna try and fix.

Thank you all for the continued support...it means the world to me, and I want to keep making it worthwhile. Doing what I can to keep people satisfied with their pledge, and showing appreciation for those that do. 




yay more sketches! I love seeing the random little doodles and sketches artists do; there are some real gems in them, sometimes. Even if the ideas get rejected or are unfinished, it's still awesome to see them.


Love the sketch! Rehzi is so cute :3 Would love to see more, and glad to be able to support you Fluff!!


More sketches and comic pages sound awesome! My only hope is that you don't burn yourself out by trying to put out more content. I'd also really hate to see the quality suffer for the sake of more frequent posting, with the comic especially. You've been absolutely killing it with the comic as of late, and if that level of quality means only one page a month then so be it! Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure you'll put out some fantastic work and I'm excited to see what you have in store!

Antoine Davis

Cool sketch, he looks great. Also that awesome about more sketches and comic pages, can't wait to see what you fo next.

Antoine Davis

Yeah, i agree, i really enjoy the comic and his work but i don't want him to over work himself.


My only wish is to not burn yourself out Fluff. Aside from that, yay! Love ya bunchies!

Kenith Fox

Oh my, what a cutie pie! <3


Rehzi is for sure a huge cutie, so I get why people would love to see him! :D More doodles/sketches is a good idea. It sounds like you were sort of doing that anyway as part of your warm-ups, so letting us see them is more than welcome. Plus, they can also give people more reference to point to for pinup pose/content suggestions, or maybe for aa stream request they just want you to finish a sketch you've posted. Either way, I'm always happy to see more of your process.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-06 13:17:37 > Shy "Yes!" > Prey "YES!" > Rehzi "YESSSSSS" Awesome sketch, as always. Keep up the good work!
2018-07-12 23:34:29 > Shy "Yes!" > Prey "YES!" > Rehzi "YESSSSSS" Awesome sketch, as always. Keep up the good work!

> Shy "Yes!" > Prey "YES!" > Rehzi "YESSSSSS" Awesome sketch, as always. Keep up the good work!