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I said I'd at the very least like to do a male/feral/on-model Spyro doodle. Would love to finish it up if I get the chance. So here's the sketch for now!

Spyro has been harder than he looks to draw. Getting the shapes down that maintain his character, and not 'just some dragon' has been tricky, especially since I'm trying to do it in a way that is, well obviously more attractive than the default model, no matter how good or aesthetically well-done that model is, tweaking a character to be sexy can be a task.'

On top of that, doing more feral work has been a blast. Would love to keep drawing more of it. Hope those of you that had been asking for traditional Spyro like this one! If I get the chance I'll ink and colour after the fem pinup.



Antoine Davis

Cool, he looks great so far. Also yeah i see what you mean about his design. Again looks great.


I think what I appreciate most is that what makes the character distinctly that character is preserved. Spyro is very cartoony and simple in some ways but when you look at him you know it’s Spyro. It can be easy to just do anything you like to make it look the way you want it, but real skill comes in that preservation of design.


nothing wrong with more ferals


This makes me incredibly happy. I've been a fan of Spyro for the longest time, games and character, and I'm ecstatic to see how much love you put into your art of him! I think it's perfect


Ferals aren't usually my bag, but this looks very nice. Keep drawin' what you want to draw.




Looks great. It's also funny seeing something from your good childhood memories sucking his own dick. Good times.


Damn Fluff. This is exactly what I was hoping you'd draw when you said you were doing Spyro. Very good stuff.


Hot! Happy to hear you're enjoying drawing feral. :D


This is awesome! I can't wait to see it coloured!

E. S. Lapso (Sky)

I for one would love to see you do some feral stuff. Maybe some werewolves?


Hmmm, very nice. You've obviously got a good grip on drawing ferals. This might be too big a stretch, but do you think you might try drawing horses in the future?