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After reading both some excerpts from the comic Dreamkeepers, as well as all of your guys' comments in the 'results' post, this is kind of what I came up with...a close-up, 2-character piece. Likely light on alts and not much of a background, it kind of reminds me of the Ayn x Rehzi pinup, which I remember enjoying a lot for being so different and not the typical pinup posing, that both I and other artists have done, for these two. Different colour/pattern alts would be fun, but overall I am just hoping this pose and composition are enjoyable as it is different. 




This is great, would be an awesome print. Rave lighting? :)

Antoine Davis

Looks awesome so far, also i think the different colors/pattern alts would be a good idea.


Splendid, really love the closeness of that pic. What do you have in mind for alts? Clothes, cum, toys? Perhaps alternate color schemes?


I’m looking forward to this! I love sexy girl duos looking flirty. Reminds me a bit of Stacey and Tracey.


I love this! A playful tease, exactly in their character. Alt could be them in power mode with the highlights.


Holy fuck, yes!


LOVE LOVE LOVE this pose! Can't wait to see it finished. :D


Rave alt with black light lip prints around both their sexes. >:3

Zrath Smiley

Oooooooh, very nice!


Oooh! Very creative and pleasing!


I looked forward to seeing it finished.


When you can't decide whether to draw front view or back view, so you draw both. The joy of having a double character pinup, they look beautiful!


Wow. WoW!! So AWEsome! Love the pose and feeling of intertwined bodies frozen but STILL full of motion. Those two could wrap a man in knots!


Oh my, yes; looks like you are on the road to perfection again~!


This is going to be great; love how fluid and seductive they look!

Not Telling

I don't know who these characters are, but it's a wonderful pose.

Deerio Jim

its gonna be fun to see what alts you come up with. maybe one'll be an "after 3some" alt?