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Hey folks! Thanks for the stream Monday! Big thank-you to the in-stream donations from Skimike, Obsidianwolf, FriendlyDeathclaw and Ahawk95! This week's requests were:

9t, requested by Xianyu

Tala giving oral to bear chief Aska, requested by  KyrosMithrarin 

This took a bit long, due to Tala-Aska, so let me offer a brief explanation. In an early script of Predators of Denali, Tala joins Bailey under the table and they both blow the chief, and in another version, Tala was supposed to be an offering to him, but he declines. Neither of those made it to cut, and since no Tala-Aska happens in the comic, I wanted to lay out a somewhat abridged vignette of how readers could make that paired connection without the unused script knowledge.

Maaan, picking dialogue for that stuff is hard, but fun! I dunno, I loved doing this set. They're fun and rather cute together. Massak x Tala OTP but Aska is a fun alternative storyline. Don't expect it to be super laid out, as it's a lot of info to cram into basically one pic + alts. But I definitely am not opposed to future requests expanding on the Tala x Aska theme started here.


Here's the links for this tier's monthly request files:





I agree, they are a really nice pair! something about the size of him compared to Tala. I know Masak is pretty big compared to her as well, but the shape of Aska somehow make it feel different to me. I like how he's a little nervous too, but also kind of excited to have her, hehe.

Antoine Davis

Both looks awesome, great job!!

Grizzly Gus

gotta say I love the idea of a sexy she wolf (especially one as cute as Tala) mating with a big muscular Bear


I'm curious, would that be a possibility at the end of the comic at all?


The pics with the chief are definitely interesting and I do like them, but I think the progression of things in the comic is much better and more natural. I'm glad you changed things in the actual comic but I certainly don't mind seeing these 'what-ifs' at all!


Glad you liked the Aska request, loved the dialogue in all the pics.


Yeah there's a reason I went with what I did; I felt it was a better and more overall good story, but I do still like the other ideas!


probably not, I think it'd be a little out there, to be honest, fun as this idea is!


Oh fug~


That ninetales is great


Holy fucking god the mood in the Tala/Aska. Like overall, I'm happier that this didn't happen, but this is still a great wholesome-lewd AU. It would have been way further over the line into "lol porn logic" storyline territory. Showing some of that potential off with a sketch series like this is a pretty fun way to just indulge the senses without any canon ramifications though. The gentleness with the size difference and Tala's timid-but-eager sexual curiosity is such a delight, and seeing this "alternate timeline" only makes me look forward to the real story more. Excellent work here.


Everyone's praising Tala (and rightly so) but I really want to compliment that Ninetales! Your feral art is really good and rare treat! uwu

Racefox Blue

That Ninetails looks amazing!


looks amazing


Aaah I just realised you made a male version of the Ninetales 😍